The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Оферта № 11063

Цени от 100,00 лв.

Купи и спечели с Relaxo

  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция
  • The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa, хотел в Алания, почивка в Турция

Алания Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa представлява луксозен хотелски комплекс, разположен в живописния курортен град Алания, Турция.

    • Информация и цени
    • Политика на резервиране
    • Мнения
    • Видео
    • Местоположение
    • Удобства
    The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa представлява луксозен хотелски комплекс, разположен в живописния курортен град Алания, Турция. Хотелът предлага изключително комфортни условия за почивка и релаксация, включително широка гама от удобства и удоволствия за гостите. Спа центърът на хотела предлага изобилие от процедури за подмладяване и релаксация, включително масажи, сауни, турска баня и фитнес зала. Гостите могат да се насладят на безплатен достъп до сезонния открит и закрит басейн, както и до специално оборудван плажен район. Стайте в хотела са модерно обзаведени и предлагат комфорт и уют на гостите. Всеки детайл е внимателно подбран, за да осигури незабравимо престой. Ресторантите в The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa предлагат богат избор от вкусни ястия от местната и световна кухня, които ще задоволят и най-изисканите вкусове. Хотелът предлага и разнообразни развлекателни активности за гостите си, включително организирани екскурзии, спортни занимания и вечерни шоу програми. Със своята елегантност, комфорт и качествено обслужване, The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa е идеалното място за една пълноценна и незабравима почивка в сърцето на Турция.

    *Възможно е да не виждате цялото съдържание на таблицата в зависимост от устройството, с което сте отворили сайта. Моля, скролнете вертикално (нагоре и надолу) и хоризонтално (наляво и надясно), за да разгледате всички периоди и съответните цени.

    ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE05.04.2024 25.04.202426.04.2024 09.05.202410.05.2024 23.05.202424.05.2024 06.06.202407.06.2024 20.06.202421.06.2024 30.06.202401.07.2024 19.07.202420.07.2024 23.08.202424.08.2024 06.09.202407.09.2024 20.09.202421.09.2024 04.10.202405.10.2024 18.10.202419.10.2024 01.11.202402.11.2024 15.11.2024
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM100117135157179201232245232201179157135117
    DOUBLE ROOM199234270314358402464490464402358314270234
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED268316364423483542626661626542483423364316
    SINGLE ROOM149176202235268301348368348301268235202176
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)149176202235268301348368348301268235202176
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-2,99)149176202235268301348368348301268235202176
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (3-12,99)199234270314358402464490464402358314270234
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)199234270314358402464490464402358314270234
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-2,99)199234270314358402464490464402358314270234
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (3-12,99)249293337392447502579612579502447392337293
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)268316364423483542626661626542483423364316
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM111128146168190212243256243212190168146128
    DOUBLE ROOM221256292336380424486512486424380336292256
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED298346393453513572655691655572513453393346
    SINGLE ROOM166192219252285318364384364318285252219192
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)166192219252285318364384364318285252219192
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-2,99)166192219252285318364384364318285252219192
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (3-12,99)221256292336380424486512486424380336292256
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)221256292336380424486512486424380336292256
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-2,99)221256292336380424486512486424380336292256
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (3-12,99)276320364419475530607640607530475419364320
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)298346393453513572655691655572513453393346
    1 ADULT298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    2 ADULT298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    3 ADULT298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)298351404470536602695735695602536470404351
    1 ADULT397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    2 ADULT397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    3 ADULT397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    4 ADULT397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)397468539627715803927980927803715627539468
    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel Alanya
    На база на 3307 отзива
    Pending reviewReviewedReally nice pool areas very friendly staff, would recommend, food was spot on no problems at all. Staff were great and looked after everyone during the stay.. stayed here for nine nights and had no issues at all, service for dinner was fantastic
    ## THIS IS A 3☆ HOTEL AT BEST ##The food was terrible. Always cold, sometimes inedible. We spotted undercooked chicken in with the other food.Also some of the food was clearly from the previous day.The evening entertainment was only on for 1 hour and not very good.Some of the staff were really friendly but some were rude and pushy. Not very relaxing! Once they have your booking and money, they can't be bothered, they just want more £££(Beware, after every bad review posted, there seem to be a lot of good reviews added in Turkish. Another Lumos scam?)
    I can't see how people can say this hotel is 5 *The Hotel was clean and day to day staff couldn't be nicer or the ones we had the opportunity to speak too , But the senior management team walked around as if they were the Turkish FBI. And RUDE !!!We visited for 14 days and "Not once did we have a hot/warm meal. RAW chicken with cooked chicken in sauces, Uncooked eggs. Huge bones Found in a salmon fillet I could go onFound the children eating bread and chips for 2 weeks.Outside was a pool bar which opened for lunch between 11-5 . Witnessed food being placed out meatballs in sauce at 09.35 uncovered .Birds flying around laying on the foods placed out taking bits and flying off and then coming back for more.Disgusting!!!Lifeguards are more concerned with messing around in the pool then watching the water slides and making sure all is ok.Entertainment is absolutely shocking!!! Horrendous finishing at 22.30 but then starting a party in the nightclub at 23.30 with Loud music that would go on until early hours of the morning . Keeping you awakeSupposed to be a family hotel . Music would play around the pool daily with quite explicit language. Lots of the F wordThe last 2 days of our holiday by husband became very unwell and has got Salmonella.. Any surprises were that has came from ..Upon checking out reception staff didn't even bother to ask if we had a good time.I definitely won't be visiting again!! And I would advise others not to eitherToo be totally honest after visiting Turkey quite a few times over previous yearsWe won't be returning!!!AVOID !!!!This whole experience with this hotel has made us feel this way.I am sure there are many others that are fantastic 😊
    Excellent hotel, food very good, rooms really clean, pool area very nice. Transfer from airport took 3 hours which wasn't very good perhaps we might try private transfer back to airport. Going to beach as this has been recommended. We are looking out at mountains which is beautiful.
    Absolutely beautiful resort, everyone is welcoming and warm. The food is excellent standard you really get what you pay for with this hotel. You can get food and drinks over by the pools too and the entertainment is excellent. Theres always something new every night. I would recommend staying here
    The hotel is very clean staff are lovely. We all had 5 massages each absolutely excellent felt so much better for it. Lovely people. Food very nice slightly over cooked eggs and bbq chicken but that just our liking!!Everyone very friendly would recommend it.
    The hotel itself is very pretty. However it's location is terrible.We booked a larger comfort seaview room at a higher price than a standard room, only to find all of these rooms overlook an outdoor nightclub across the road. It was so loud we could feel the music vibrating in our room, this went on until 3am. We were moved in to a standard room following a complaint but we were not refunded the difference. We also smelt sewage in our room from time to time. No other compensation was given for the inconvenience caused.If you have small children this is not the place for you. Dinner is not served until 7pm, which is quite late for many little ones and the children's disco does not start until 9pm which was too late for many. If your kids can stay up this late the entertainment is very poor.The hotel is a minimum of 2 hours from the airport by private transfer only. We initially took an "express transfer" which was advertised as being quicker, but this took 3.5 hours! Almost as long as the flight.All excursions took at least 1.5 hours to travel to. The one excursion we did ended up with us travelling for longer than we were actually there for.If you are traveling with a small baby there are no facilities for sterilizing bottles and no fresh baby food is available (just jarred food) so I would recommend bringing your own.There is nothing to do close by and so if it rains you're stuck. The pools are not heated, including the indoor one so there is nothing to do.The "kids club" is awful. I went in there with my children on a rainy day. There is a small area to play in and the staff do one activity with the children which is to colour in a T-shirt for the cost of €10. I observed that if you leave your children there they are left to play alone, the staff do not do any activities with them, I asked if mine could do some arts and crafts and we were told no so we left.On the bright side the other guests were lovely and we made some great friends and still managed to make some great memories. However we will not be returning..
    The hotel is very high class and caters for every need.The rooms are spotless and cleaned everyday. They take care of your laundry is needed.There is a good choice of food nearly all day long. The only thing which could be improved with the food is providing labels so you know what you're eating. If you have allergies or don't eat meat you have to keep asking the kitchen staff. They don't speak much English.There is always something to do everyday, you will never get bored.There is a beach not far away.The whole area is beautiful. I would definitely come back again.
    This hotel is beautiful, inside and the facilities are exceptionally clean. Food was very good with plenty of selection. The animation manager unfortunately lets this hotel down big time. Only hotel we’ve been to in 26 years not to do a club dance around the pool. The evening “shows” are non existent, bingo at £18 a strip outrageously expensive. Very very little to do around the pool daytime. Harun the animator was probably the best on the complex, giving us information and offering to play a table tennis tournament after we expressed our dismay and disappointment at the lack of games around the pool area. £4k for a very dull holiday, expecting a lot for our money but got not a lot. The man who rings your room at 9 am when you arrived at 7 am is also very unacceptable, to the point he follows you around the hotel wanting you to book his excursions. This was nothing short of continual harassment for the first few days we were there. Reception staff as with most other staff unhelpful and did not smile at all the whole time we were there. I would not go back if it were free.3.5hours private transfer also very remote with nothing much around it . Avoid avoid
    We really liked the hotel itself and everything inside, but the territory and the road by the sea are not very good. Everything inside is gorgeous: a hall, a restaurant with good food, a fitness center, baths, a spa, the staff are all at a very high level. But the area near the hotel is small; most of the area is located separately across the road. The private beach on the sea is about 200 meters from the hotel. You have to walk along a not very tidy road and also cross a busy road. Evening shows could be more interesting. Therefore, I give the hotel a solid 5, and the territory, beach and evening shows no more than 4.
    I recently stayed at the Lumos Deluxe Resort and had an outstanding experience. The hotel boasts luxurious rooms with stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. The staff were exceptionally friendly and attentive, especially Halide who looked after us during the stay, ensuring every need was met. The resort's amenities, including multiple pools, a private beach, and a top-notch spa, provided ample relaxation opportunities. The diverse dining options offered delicious cuisine, with fresh and local ingredients. The evening entertainment and activities added a delightful touch to our stay. Overall the resort made for an unforgettable and rejuvenating holiday in Alanya.
    Dear Management Team,I am writing to express my disappointment with my recent stay at the Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel and Spa, Alyana.Despite the hotel's prime location, proximity to the beach, and inclusion of a private beach, my experience was ruined by several issues that I would like to bring to your attention.Firstly, I was allocated a small standard room instead of the family room I had booked. Upon questioning the issue, I was met with no explanation or resolution. I provided my booking details and evidence of payment for a family room, but no action was taken to rectify the situation. Furthermore, it became apparent that this was not an isolated incident, as other families from non-European backgrounds were also given smaller rooms to accommodate their family members. This disparity in treatment raises serious concerns about discrimination and is unacceptable.When I brought this issue to the attention of the hotel staff and our holiday rep, I was shocked to be told that I would have to pay an additional €25 per night for an upgrade. This is not only unfair but also absurd, as I had already paid for a room that should have accommodated my family's needs.During my stay, I witnessed and experienced instances of discrimination in food service, activities, and other aspects of the hotel's operations. It was clear that certain guests were treated better than others based on their nationality or background. This is not only unacceptable but also disappointing coming from a 5-star hotel.I was also disappointed with the quality of the beds, sheets, blankets, and pillows, which felt flimsy and uncomfortable. The room cleaning was inadequate - I found unwashed mugs and cups, and the floors were not thoroughly swept. Moreover, the rooms were stuffy even with the air conditioning or fan turned on. As a 5-star hotel, I expect a higher level of quality and cleanliness.All guests should receive equal treatment regardless of their backgrounds, race, ethnicity, and are provided with the amenities they have paid for.
    We came on a friend's holiday, when arrived me and the other girl were ignored and only the guy was greeted, reception however looked incredibly stunning.We then went to our rooms which both had a horrendous smell of sourage. My friends room wasn't even cleaned properly. Eventually they got moved to a much cleaner roomThe food was okay however the lunch pool bars and on an evening they done a BBQ part which was phenomenal which made up for it.The nightclub was closed I'm assuming because of the time of the year so there was no entertainment for the adults except a quiet bar.The restaurant, house keeping and evening bar staff was fantasticLocation - your a 15/20 minute drive from the busy area that has alot of nightlife and shopping (go late for nightlife) €20 for taxi2 hours from the airport2 hours from land of legends (must do)3 hours from the buggy and river raftingIf your wanting to get tattoos there's a boy called selo that goes around the pool, book with him. It's a clean professional place they take you. However just be sure to tell him exactly what you want as we did get hit with a surprise payment extraThe Turkish baths are amazing, we done the deal and had everything done and it was sensational. Your best doing this at the start of the holidayHad a brilliant holiday however I do not believe this hotel should be 5*
    Really close to the beach. The amenities are amazing. Staff very kind and helpful. Beautiful decor in the hotel. The food selection is great also including extras for the kids. The hotel is exceptionally clean. I would like to personally thank Mercan for all her lovely advice and support about the hotel and local area. I would like to personally recommend this hotel to families with children.
    It was very nice holidays for our family. Lovely staff, lovely atmosfer. Very nice food, clean rooms. Reseption give all information about eveything. All managment was nice will all questions. Drinks are free, room clean every day, girls in reseption always want to help. Activity we found for all family. Im recomended for familys with kids, for young coupls, for friends.
    I had a great time at this hotel. It stayed there for 6 days. The food is amazing and the staff are really friendly and helpful. The rooms are kept clean too and the Spa service is amazing. Will definitely reccomend this hotel especially if you want a relaxing, enjoyable time with family, friends or even just with your partner.
    The place is super cute and nice! All the girls are incredible in there, but Emma is the one that makes my brows looking perfect, she’s the best!
    Very good and nice staff, many different dishes to meet any taste, beautiful pools and pools snack bars, nice beach with all the facilities, nice place to spend a week with family and childrens.A bit far from Alanya and long drive to Antalya airport.Not big things to do outside hotel area.
    Great hotel, good food variety and very friendly staff. Would recommend for family, pairs or in the whole more chill and quiet visit. Neighborhood is quiet as well, will love to visit again sometime in the future.
    The hotel was impressive, but was lacking in areas that I felt didn't make it a 5 star hotel more a 3 to 4 star. I loved our stay there but just doing some extra things like communication about the ala carte restaurants. Looking at the entertainment program as the 2 weeks we were there the acts were the same every week. Love the pool snack area and beach snack and bar area. Staff were friendly and welcoming food was delicious drinks and cocktails were ok.
    I stayed in this hotel for the first time, with my family, for 7 nights. I was impressed, I liked the interior, the food, the staff was very kind.We had great moments at the hammam, they have clean pools, the beach is pebbled, but with clean and warm water; we didn't mind the gravel.The room is large, spacious, I would have liked a little more attention to cleanliness, but everything was ok.There are animations for children, a play area.We will come back with love on another occasion.

    Цени от 100,00 лв.

    Купи и спечели с Relaxo

    Алания Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

    The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa представлява луксозен хотелски комплекс, разположен в живописния курортен град Алания, Турция.

      Всички цени са в български лева, с включено ДДС.
      Този сайт е с информационна и рекламна цел и е възможно да са допуснати грешки.


      The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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      The Lumos Deluxe Resort Hotel & Spa ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️