Royal Holiday Palace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Оферта № 11168

Цени от 223,00 лв.

Купи и спечели с Relaxo

Лара Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

Този луксозен 5-звезден хотелски комплекс се гордее със своята изключителна локация на плажа в района Лара в Анталия.

    • Информация и цени
    • Политика на резервиране
    • Мнения
    • Видео
    • Местоположение
    • Удобства
    Този луксозен 5-звезден хотелски комплекс се гордее със своята изключителна локация на плажа в района Лара в Анталия. Разпростира се внушително на площ от 53000 квадратни метра, обсаден от живописни зелени площи. Сред неговите прелести са СПА центърът, големите открити басейни с водни атракции и забавен лунапарк.Стайте в хотелския комплекс Royal Holiday Palace са внимателно декорирани, съчетавайки модерни удобства с изискани традиционни акценти. Всяка стая предлага безплатен достъп до WiFi интернет, елегантен телевизор с плосък екран и сателитни програми, добре зареден минибар и съоръжения за приготвяне на кафе и чай.Хотелският комплекс Royal Holiday Palace впечатлява с разнообразието от възможности за хранене, включително ресторанти с италианска, мексиканска и рибна кухня. В сладкарницата се предлага разнообразие от традиционни турски сладкиши, а в бара край басейна гостите могат да се насладят на освежаващи тропически коктейли и леки закуски.Аниматорският екип на Royal Holiday Palace се грижи за забавлението на гостите през целия ден, предлагайки различни игри и програми. За по-малките посетители има разнообразни занимания в детския клуб.Във великолепния СПА център на хотелския комплекс гостите могат да се потопят в оазис на релаксация с закрития басейн, фитнес зала и турска баня.Международното летище Анталия е само на 15 километра разстояние от Royal Holiday Palace, а до центъра на Анталия може да се стигне за кратко, като се изминат 17 километра. На разположение на гостите е безплатен частен паркинг.

    *Възможно е да не виждате цялото съдържание на таблицата в зависимост от устройството, с което сте отворили сайта. Моля, скролнете вертикално (нагоре и надолу) и хоризонтално (наляво и надясно), за да разгледате всички периоди и съответните цени.

    ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE01.04.2025 20.04.202521.04.2025 17.05.202518.05.2025 03.06.202504.06.2025 04.07.202505.07.2025 28.08.202529.08.2025 23.09.202524.09.2025 07.10.202508.10.2025 24.10.202525.10.2025 31.10.2025
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM223300356444510466378289245
    DOUBLE ROOM4466007118871019931755578490
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED6028119591197137612571019780661
    SINGLE ROOM336453534666766699567435369
    1+1 CHD (0-9,99)336453534666766699567435369
    1+2 CHD (0-9,99) (0-1,99)336453534666766699567435369
    1+2 CHD (0-9,99) (2-9,99)4476017128881020932756579491
    2+1 CHD (0-9,99)4466007118871019931755578490
    2+2 CHD (0-9,99) (0-1,99)4466007118871019931755578490
    2+2 CHD (0-9,99) (2-9,99)557751888110912741164943723612
    3+1 CHD (0-9,99)6028119591197137612571019780661
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM245322378466532488400311267
    DOUBLE ROOM4906447559311063975799622534
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED66187110191257143513161078840721
    SINGLE ROOM369486567699799733600468402
    1+1 CHD (0-9,99)369486567699799733600468402
    1+2 CHD (0-9,99) (0-1,99)369486567699799733600468402
    1+2 CHD (0-9,99) (2-9,99)4916457569321064976800623535
    2+1 CHD (0-9,99)4906447559311063975799622534
    2+2 CHD (0-9,99) (0-1,99)4906447559311063975799622534
    2+2 CHD (0-9,99) (2-9,99)612806943116413291219998778668
    3+1 CHD (0-9,99)66187110191257143513161078840721
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM267344400488554510422333289
    DOUBLE ROOM53468879997511071019843666578
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED72193010781316149513761138899780
    SINGLE ROOM402519600733832766633501435
    1+1 CHD (0-9,99)402519600733832766633501435
    1+2 CHD (0-9,99) (0-1,99)402519600733832766633501435
    1+2 CHD (0-9,99) (2-9,99)53569080097611091020844668579
    2+1 CHD (0-9,99)53468879997511071019843666578
    2+2 CHD (0-9,99) (0-1,99)53468879997511071019843666578
    2+2 CHD (0-9,99) (2-9,99)6688629981219138412741053833723
    3+1 CHD (0-9,99)72193010781316149513761138899780
    1 ADULT8571128132016291860170613971089934
    2 ADULT8571128132016291860170613971089934
    3 ADULT8571128132016291860170613971089934
    4 ADULT8581129132116301862170713981090935
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    1+3 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99) (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    3+1 CHD (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    3+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    1 ADULT8571128132016291860170613971089934
    2 ADULT8571128132016291860170613971089934
    3 ADULT8571128132016291860170613971089934
    4 ADULT8581129132116301862170713981090935
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    1+3 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99) (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    3+1 CHD (0-11,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    3+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)8571128132016291860170613971089934
    1 ADULT91912081415174619931827149711661000
    2 ADULT91912081415174619931827149711661000
    3 ADULT91912081415174619931827149711661000
    4 ADULT92012091416174719941828149811671002
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    1+3 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99) (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    3+1 CHD (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    3+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    1 ADULT91912081415174619931827149711661000
    2 ADULT91912081415174619931827149711661000
    3 ADULT91912081415174619931827149711661000
    4 ADULT92012091416174719941828149811671002
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    1+3 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99) (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    3+1 CHD (0-11,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    3+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)91912081415174619931827149711661000
    1 ADULT97812871508186021251949159612431067
    2 ADULT97812871508186019051949159612431067
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)97812871508186021251949159612431067
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)97812871508186021251949159612431067
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)97812871508186021261949159612431067
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)97812871508186021261949159612431067
    1 ADULT110014481695209223902191179413971199
    2 ADULT110014481695209223902191179413971199
    3 ADULT110014481695209223902191179413971199
    4 ADULT110114491696209323912192179513981200
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)110014481695209223902191179413971199
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)110014481695209223902191179413971199
    1+3 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99) (0-11,99)110014481695209223902191179413971199
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)110014481695209223902191179413971199
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)110014481695209223902191179413971199
    3+1 CHD (0-11,99)110014481695209223902191179413971199
    3+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)110014481695209223902191179413971199
    1 ADULT375737573977397739773977419841984198
    2 ADULT375737573977397739773977419841984198
    3 ADULT375737573977397739773977419841984198
    4 ADULT375837583978397839783978419941994199
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)375737573977397739773977419841984198
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)375737573977397739773977419841984198
    1+3 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99) (0-11,99)375737573977397739773977419841984198
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)375737573977397739773977419841984198
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)375737573977397739773977419841984198
    3+1 CHD (0-11,99)375737573977397739773977419841984198
    3+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)375737573977397739773977419841984198
    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    Royal Holiday Palace
    На база на 1887 отзива
    The Royal holiday Palace is my happy place we have been here 6 years on the trot . The staff are overwhelmingly amazing and treat us like family. We are always welcomed with open arms and a warm heart we really can't rate this hotel enough see you all next June.
    A beach hotel which can be fully recommended. I've been here several times now as it is my favourite hotel at the Lara beach: close to the airport, sand beach, hotel itself meets all requirements for a perfect stay: e.g. cleanliness (everywhere includ. room (which is quite big), sanitary facilities..), variety in food and beverages, flawless service, huge pool, many pool / snack bars, plenty of deck chairs, great lobby / lounge. 24h food/beverage availability, so be prepared for weight gain :-).
    This hotel and the staff that run it, was simply outstanding. The hotel is stunning, and our room was outstanding. The entertainment was full and varied, the staff were friendly, and went to great efforts to make us feel included and welcome. Darts were a firm favourite, and there is definitely the atmosphere at the hotel that you will get out what you put in.The food offered throughout the day was varied, and of high quality. The evening buffet was different every evening on a 5 day cycle, whilst there were evenings this was slightly lack luster we appreciated that buffets and keeping the food of the best quality is alway a challenge. There was definitely something to everyones tastes, and safer options such as pasta offered daily when you didn't want to try anything else.The pool was refreshing and great. There's a sense that everything is so spread out and far away, yet walking around takes minutes, so it is very cleverly laid out to give the perception of more space. Overall we had an amazing holiday to celebrate our anniversary and I cannot wait to return!
    Very pleasant experience stopping in this hotel The staff were very nice and friendly Especially the stuff in The dining area I haven't seen anything like it, very very good I will definitely be coming back ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✅️👌
    Just perfect. Wonderful Christmas chandelier inside. Beautiful garden. Eat and drink anything on different places. Also a nice sand beach. Just the internet is failing. Bad installation. If you want relax, that's you best place here.
    super, super hotel... what friendly staff... in one sentence what a great holiday we had... delicious food, no long waiting lines as you might think because it is a large hotel. the entertainment is excellent, especially if you like to dance, and the evening program is over, they still have a disco where you can continue dancing. I would also like to thank the staff, you provide good service, thank you... we will come in şallah Next year again...and if you have any doubts, my advice is to book this hotel and thank me for the advice after your holiday.
    Fantastic... But not the best we have been to on Lara Beach but it's dam good, defiantly 5 star but the main restaurant/can-tine has a lot to be desired, as the size is not suitable for the volume of people at the hotel. It's a little out from the main strip, but 5 min Taxi ride gets you to the Bizarre.
    I'll start this review by saying that I appreciate that a three star review might look a bit mean - but I'm afraid I don't think it deserves a higher score. There's no doubt that the building, its location, the facilities and grounds are impressive. We had a lovely family holiday here and I'm sure most people would have an equally enjoyable time. But sadly there is an element of style over substance and I don't feel that the hotel provides a five star experience.The bedroom (superior sea view) was a great size, with plenty of storage , a well appointed bathroom and a cracking view from the balcony. It was nice that the mini bar was restocked daily with water, soft drinks and local beer. However, the bed itself - arguably the most important feature - was far too firm and the pillows bordering on useless. Getting comfortable each night took a bit of time. I appreciate there was a pillow menu, but you shouldn't need to pay and upcharge for basic comfort. The TV was also low quality and largely unwatchable, but you don't go to a beach resort in Turkey to sit in the room watching the news, so that hasn't impacted my rating at all. The air conditioning was a bit inconsistent and the room never felt "cool" given the air temperature wasn't uncomfortably warm, but I'm not sure I'd want to have the same experience in the height of summer.Whilst the room was kept clean each day we were asked on three or four occasions to leave the door slightly open by the housekeeper as she "didn't have a key" for our room. She was always working in the room next door when she asked and it wasn't a massive concern, but really isn't a question that we should have been asked.We all found the food in the hotel underwhelming. It wasn't that it was bad, just that it wasn't particularly good either. On the face of it there was plenty of choice at every meal, but it didn't vary much and all felt a bit lacklustre. A lot of the food would often be "warm" rather than "hot" by the time you got back to your table. However, the fresh produce - like grilled meat, salads and fruit - were generally of good quality and tasted great.The chaos of the main buffet led to us eating in the "speciality" restaurants for 3 nights. The Teppanyaki was a fun experience with a great chef, excellent waiter service and plenty of good quality, well prepared food. For the price it was solid value, but the one criticism is that we were almost served too much food. The portions (and prices) could easily be a bit lower. The seafood restaurant was also pretty good quality and portions generous for the price. The Mexican, however, wasn't worth the money and the food was every bit as disappointing as the main restaurant. I'm not sure anyone preparing the food had ever been to Mexico!The staff were generally friendly and welcoming - many of them being eager to have a chat and ask how we were. We'll tip where the local culture expects it. This was our first time in Turkey and whilst most staff were discreet there were some who were much more direct in expecting tips for the most basic of service. We were directly asked whether we had "some pounds" on more than one occasion, which jars a bit for the British. We may have expected this if we were in the local town, it was just a bit of a surprise to have it within the hotel too.The outdoor areas were great - the pool is huge and never felt crowded. It's not heated, so it is very "refreshing" when you first get in. The waterslides were good fun, and a nice addition, but could use some better management of how the inflatable rings are shared out. The beach and pier were both lovely extra features to have as part of the complex.There are plenty of bars around the hotel and getting a drink was never a problem. The choice of drinks was fine and in line with expectations of a Mediterranean resort.Overall, this is a good hotel but not a great hotel. The building and its location have the wow factor, but it's a little lacking in terms of comfort and service.
    We normally do our own thing, with airbnb properties and self catering, so this was something a little different. All-inclusive, 5 star hotel for a week. Last week in October/first couple of days of November. Weather was warm enough to go in the pool, and the hotel was perhaps half to two-thirds full at the most. Definitley quieter at the end of the week. It's a 604 room hotel, the staff are excellent and friendly, the food offering is superb, with plenty of variety. None of the issues that some other reviewers have mentioned.We have absolutely loved it. Not sure 2 weeks at the height of summer would be our thing, but this was perfect. Very clean, very relaxing. Only points would be no alcohol-free beer on offer, no watersports on offer at the beach, intermittent wifi, and there is nothing outside of the hotel unless you fancy a long day tour. But if you want a chilled few days with no pressure, this fits the bill perfectly. Already thinking about booking for the same time next year...
    everything here was beautiful, except for the food. it was very diverse, but not at all delicious or satisfying. for a 5 star hotel in Turkey, the food was meh 😕. i give the food a 3/10. the ONLY. thing that i liked were the pancakes at breakfast and some sort of cheesecake, the small one, not the big one from the pictures. everything was bland, only looked good.
    Service is really great. Personnel asks multiple times if everything is going as planned and if there is something they could do to make the stay better. Drinks are served fast and if you have other wishes, they will be carried out.The animation is very funny and entertaining. The animator team does their best to convince everyone who has doubts about joining the activities. Although I didn’t join, I really appreciated the gesture. It made me almost want to join (I didn’t because of anxiety). If you were scared in any way they would reassure you.
    It’s an amazing hotel. The hotel it self is beautiful. Inside and outside. The pools are long and you have a lot of space. The food is great. The entertainment programs are a lot of fun. The evenings are very relaxing. They have a show and afterwards you can enjoy a drink at the pool bar with some kind of program happening.
    The architecture and design of the hotel are quite luxurious. There are endless and super tasty food options at all times on the site. Minibar in the room is loaded daily with various refreshments. Staff members are very attentive and helpful. Please note that it may not be the ideal place for travelers who want to sleep before midnight, as live music and disco can be heard really loud in the rooms both from the hotel and neighboring hotels.Good hair salon on the site.

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    Цени от 223,00 лв.

    Купи и спечели с Relaxo

    Лара Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

    Този луксозен 5-звезден хотелски комплекс се гордее със своята изключителна локация на плажа в района Лара в Анталия.

      Всички цени са в български лева, с включено ДДС.
      Този сайт е с информационна и рекламна цел и е възможно да са допуснати грешки.


      Royal Holiday Palace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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      Royal Holiday Palace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️