Rixos Park Belek ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ – Нова година 2026 със собствен транспорт

Оферта № 11102-NewYear

Цени от 298,00 лв. 238,00 лв.

Купи и спечели с Relaxo

  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция
  • Rixos Park Belek, хотел в Белек, почивка в Турция

Белек Ultra All Inclusive От 29.12. до 05.01.

Почувствайте се като звезда с обслужване на световно ниво в Rixos Park Belek – The Land Of Legends Access!

* Обявената цена е за един човек за една нощувка на база All Inclusive в обявения период от 29.12.2025 до 05.01.2026;
* Офертата включва празнична Новогодишна Гала вечеря;
* Офертата е валидна при минимум 2 пълноплащащи;
* Офертата е валидна при минимален престой от 3 нощувки;
* При желание има възможност за удължаване на престоя извън посочения период;
* Офертата е със собствен транспорт;

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    Почувствайте се като звезда с обслужване на световно ниво в Rixos Park Belek - The Land Of Legends Access!

    Rixos Park Belek се намира в Белек, само на 1,1 км от обществения плаж Серик Белек. The Land Of Legends Access ви предлага ексклузивно настаняване с открит плувен басейн, безплатен частен паркинг, фитнес център и красива градина. Този изключителен 5-звезден хотел осигурява още детски клуб и удобство от рум-сървиз. Плюс, терасата и сауната добавят още комфорт и релаксация към вашето пребиваване.

    В ресторанта на хотела ще откриете разнообразие от кулинарни изкушения - от свежи морски дарове и изискани стекхаус ястия до интернационални деликатеси. А за тези, които предпочитат специални диетични изисквания, се предлагат вегетариански, халал и безглутенови опции, доставени по заявка.

    За малките гости, Rixos Park Belek The Land Of Legends Access предлага страхотно преживяване с детска площадка. А за забавления на открито, гостите могат да се насладят на игри като дартс и тенис на корт.

    Екипът на рецепцията е мултиезиков и е на разположение 24/7, за да осигури вашето удобство и спокойствие по всяко време.

    Тематичният парк Land of Legends е само на 8,8 километра от Rixos Park Belek - The Land Of Legends Access, а амфитеатърът Aspendos е на 21 километра. Най-близкото летище е Анталия, на 29 км от хотела. А за ваше удобство, хотелът предлага платен трансфер до летището.

    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    Rixos Park Belek - The Land Of Legends Access
    На база на 1449 отзива
    Good service, good food, good activities, the transport is only 2 times a day I missed the bus and had to take a 25€ taxi. and you are forced to stay long hours at land of legends because of bus.Very friendly staff and very positive, the lack of English is a bit annoying but it was well enough to communicate. Archery couch is amazing! Amazingly English, and very patient and positive. The Room was clean and refilled everyday but the shower head was broken from the top and spaying water sideways. I couldn't communicate the problem to the staff so I used the other one that is hanging.The gulf cars were always parked and rarely any driver. The shisha is mad expensive at 50$ when it's 3$ everywhere in my country. Also the spa and massage 60€ and 80€ for 15min is not worth it.
    **Stayed in February for a week with family and cannot wait to return! Friendly staff, fantastic facilities and amazing food. Hard to fault. A MUST VISIT!! **Staff:The staff are amazing especially the manager Yara. She is professional and friendly and went above and beyond to provide the service you would expect from Rixos helping to arrange activities, provide informative good advice and checked in with us throughout our stay to ensure we were happy and having the best experience possible. We had the best holiday and made memories for life all because of her and the service she provided. It was always service with a smile! Thank you so much Yara!Facilities:The facilities at the hotel are fantastic and despite it being February there was a lot open to choose from including indoor and outdoor heated pool and sauna facilities. Direct access to well kept clean private beach. The rooms were well sized, great condition and décor with lovely balcony sea view.Food:The food was of a very high quality, often at all inclusive resorts it can be repetitive and poor quality cooked in masses. This is certainly not the case here. The menu changed daily and there was something for everyone and many stations where you could select food to be made freshly in front of you and tailored to you.
    Today, I had a bad experience with a Turkish bartender at the Beach Bar. I ordered two Cinderella cocktails in English, and the music wasn't loud. He made only one drink, and when I reminded him that I needed two, he shouted in Turkish, asking why I didn't say so earlier. I understood him because I know a little Turkish, but his behavior was very rude. I didn't get his name, but it was really disappointing to be treated this way on my vacation.
    Worst experience everAvoid this hotel. We just got back from a weeks holiday the staff are so rude not helpful at all. Especially the reception staff don’t greet you when you arrive. They are so unwelcoming and rude. Have no customer service experience nothing was explained to us when we arrived. Ahmet and Bestie are so rude. My daughter got food poisoning was vomiting had diarrhoea rang through reception fobbed us off did not even check on us. I would avoid this place the staff spoil it absolutely shocking as they are so rude and don’t care. The only staff who smiled and went above was Zhibek she was lovely always came to offer us drinks. I have never had such a bad experience in turkey before. There is poor entertainment, glad to be home. My whole holiday was ruined because this hotel make you feel unwelcomed and the reception staff especially are rude. Please avoidRead less
    Worst hotel I've stayed in. Nice enough hotel but staff are so uninterested & give off a very unwelcoming vibe, nothing like the other hotels in Turkey I've stayed in which were fantastic. Reception always send u to guest relations if u require anything but this is usually an empty desk. We couldn't even book a table at "the grill" restaurant as one person had to speak to another person & we never heard anything after that. We tried guest relations but again, empty desk. Sports bar was never staffed so had to walk from one end of hotel to the other for a drink when watching the football, after having to search for the remote & figuring out what channel it was on as no staff around.This isn't the hotel's fault but it's one of the turkey hotel's that's full of Russians, who are rude, ignorant & greedy. Plates overflowing massively with food, spilling all over the restaurant floor every single night & the staff don't approach them. This causes slip hazzards, as for some reason they clear the watermelon as soon as its put out, especially for the elderly or children.The pool side bar however is different. The staff are friendly & helpful. It's like a different hotel from what u experience inside. However it's one of the few hotels along the beach that doesn't have either a pier or slides so not ideal if u have kids, especially as the pool side shop charges £100 euro ( no that's not a mistake) for a rubber ring.There's simple things the hotel can improve on like having tennis racquet hire next to the actual tennis courts & not the other side of the hotel but if you've stayed in Turkey & experienced fantastic hospitality like i have this hotel will be a massive disappointment.
    Amazing hotel with an excellent services, activities and access to Land of Legends via a free shuttle bus service. The hotel has an amazing A La carte restaurant- The grill. The staff at the rixy kids club are amazing and made my daughters birthday extra special and memorable. A special shout out to Sami at Guest Relations who gives a personal touch to guests by taking their feedback seriously and being a great communicator between the hotel staff and the vacationers. Staff at the shop in the hotel were rude and don't know how to serve those waiting in line first. The prices there are also extortionate. Make sure you bring and not loose essential items such as Sun tan lotion else you will be paying 50 pound for sun cream worth 5 pound in the UK!!
    Unfortunately, despite its 5-star rating, I found the hotel to be more of a 4-star experience. The food selection at the buffet was quite limited each night , which is not what one would expect from a 5-star establishment. Dinner only lasted from 7 to 9 PM, which felt rushed.Moving on to the room, while the Sultan Suite was spacious and accommodating for three people with its king-size bed and two singles, the jacuzzi bath was a disappointment. Despite reporting the issue multiple times, it remained unresolved and not working, with dirty water and debris coming out during the one time it worked.The mini-bar and coffee machine confusion while unsure if it was included after requesting it be filled sometimes they did it sometimes they said there was would be a charge. which added to the minor inconveniences.Additionally, the lack of a way to signal housekeeping about room status was inconvenient.Entertainment was repetitive, with the same live band and DJ set every night, ending promptly at 11 PM. The Venue really lacks a nightclub. The bar staff could be rude, despite assurances that guests could drink at any time.However, the spa experience was a highlight, offering great treatments and service. The a la carte restaurant, while pricey, delivered excellent dishes, particularly the veal.On the positive side, the pool and facilities were excellent, and the free access to Land of Legends was a nice bonus. But what truly stood out was the exceptional service provided by Sami a member of the guest relations team, who went above and beyond to ensure a pleasant stay, even arranging a late check-out. Overall, while the hotel has potential, it falls short of its 5-star status and could benefit from improvements in various areas.
    We stayed mid April at Rixos Park Belek. (4 adults).Hotel: Really nice, kept very tidy, staff on the whole were friendly except one bar manager who actually was quite aggressive one evening.Sami at Guest Services was really helpful and provided us lots of useful information about the hotel. The hotel is also about a 10 minute cab ride to Belek City Centre and cost us roughly 300 Turkish Lira (€7) to get there but you may need to haggle the cost as some wanted double.Rooms: We stayed in the standard rooms, they were clean and spacious and had a patio door which opened to a railing we could hang towels on. - Fridge had drinks but no snacks, and was refilled daily. There were also lots of lovely little essentials provided such as shower caps, toothbrushes and tooth paste, soap, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, nail file, cotton buds, cotton pads, sewing kit, shoe polish, shoe horn, and shoe covers. You also have a hairdryer and slippers, but there wasn't an iron. The TV is not a smart TV and was difficult to find channels in English but we didn't watch much anyway. You can also get a robe/dressing gown for a deposit. Rooms were cleaned daily, although there were some inconsistencies on cleaning.The rooms can be quite a walk from the pools or restaurants but there are buggy stations where they come every 15 minutes to take you where you want to go within the resort.Pools: There is an indoor heated pool although we were informed it wasn't heated during our stay. The main outdoor pool was heated and was lovely. You can play with a ball in the pool and have floats but water pistols aren't allowed. - The life guards are great and really on top of things even helping with parasols. The loungers are comfy and we had no issues finding a spot. Pool towels are distributed on a card system which was really simple.Food and Drink:Highly recommend the Grill and Mermaid for dinner, they were both lovely. For lunch the People restaurant is great, we enjoyed the cheese burger and pizza. Dilek served us in the People restaurant and she was so lovely and her service was excellent! The buffet was ok, the quality of food was not the best but the best part was definitely the ice cream! - The patteserie served some lighter options but it wasn't much different from what the buffet offered.Drinks: Turkish Tea was great and we loved the waitors on roller blades. Some inconsistencies in the cocktails, some were much stronger than others. There are drinks fridge cabinets by the pool and beach, filled with soft drinks.Entertainment: Land of Ledgends: The Land of Ledgends shuttle bus service is really good and its definitely worth the trip. We went twice, the lockers were 350 Turkish Lira but were spacious and you get the locker for the whole day. The evening show at the Land of Ledgends was also great.Hotel activities are listed daily on the Rixos ap. There was also live music in the evening at the beach bar of which some bands in particular were great!
    Some rooms smell of chemicals because there has been recent work.The food is of low quality and little choice. They put TVs everywhere for the kids even in the restaurant.The service is really not efficient. Every time we ask a question we are told to look at the website.Maid cleaning the hallway with the loud machines at midnight and entering the room by mistake.You have to wait a very long time for a buggie to move around the hotel otherwise you have to walk and it's very long. There are hotels better than that.The only positive point is access to the land of legend
    Hello, we are a family of 6 and really loved our holiday. The service was amazing and most had smiley faces. Our personal favourite is Baktigül. She is a waitress and took care of us very well and will appreciate her service, very friendly. Another is Captain Furkan Mert, he is very welcoming, very friendly and took care of us very well. And from the sports side, a girl named Seven, she is very enthusiastic and we played many outdoor activities with her.
    I had a fantastic time at this hotel. The staff are friendly and always ready to go an extra mile to make sure our needs are met. The bed linen, towels & bath robes were of top quality. The cleanliness was of high standard. The food, wine & liquor was world class, However, it would have been great if you had bigger cups of tea/coffee.
    The hotel switched season during our stay, getting noticeably busier the second week, when the outside bars opened and the entertainment moved outside. At the start of the holiday there were reduced number of drinks available and lunch was only available in the restaurant.The food is excellent from the buffet and alacart, only one alacart restaurant is currently open, i suspect that others will open as the season moves on.We are staying in the main hotel and the room is nice, slightly larger than some i have stayed in belek.The pool area is not too busy at present, but i suspect that when the whole hotel is open it could be packed.The staff have been great, with special thanks to Dilek, the chief who always has time to chat, Hazel who serves in the peoples bar and skater waiter, who brings drinks by the pool.What could be betterIt took to long to get served in the indoor bar in the evening at the start of the holiday, hence more staff were needed.I worry about how busy the pool area will be once the whole hotel is open.The second week was the run up to easter and the restaurant was packed. It was difficult to find a table and many tables needed clearing. There were also loads of children running around and food on the floor. Consider having an adults only area of the resturant.MinorMore brands of sprits available at the barMagnum and cornetto ice creams availableWe have stayed at Rixos premium and gloria, Rixos park is a cheaper but great option.We have had a great holiday and would recommend Rixos park for a holiday.
    Rooms were a little dated compared to the pictures, there was a lot to do even with a little toddler with us. Great hotel location and staff were friendly too. Chef Chandra and others were very accommodating especially with vegetarian food. Rooms were always clean.
    Probably the best hotel I have stayed in - and I have been all around the globe. Staff couldn't be more helpful and always with a smile on their faces. Location is amazing, right on the beach. Every facility one could wish for. And so for the food, divine!
    Great hotel and location, good selection of food and the staff are really helpful. Transfers are easily available to and from the hotel to the Land of the legends either free access. The staff especially Mucahit at the customer service desk are accommodating - would recommend.
    The hotel is great,all the staff are great and helpful,specially Irina ,from the first step.The restaurant is wonderful,very clean and very tasty,big choice and great service.The spa is so nice,clean and large as well as all the swimming pools,all other facilities are amazing ,free entrance to the “land of legends “and many many other things
    Food court did not provide adequate food with choices. Besides I am not a smoking person, but there was a constant cigarette odor coming from air conditioning, probably from neighboring rooms. Other than those, food and beverages were good quality, hotel staff were helpful and spa was very relaxing. Thanks
    My hotel stay was an absolute dream! From the moment I walked through the doors, I was greeted with the warmest smiles and exceptional service. The room was like a luxurious sanctuary, with every detail carefully thought out. The bed was incredibly comfortable, providing the perfect night's sleep. The hotel's dining options were a culinary delight, with a wide range of delicious dishes to choose from. The location was ideal, allowing me to easily explore the city's attractions. I can confidently say that this hotel exceeded all my expectations and I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a truly extraordinary stay.
    My hotel stay was extremely positive. The hotel staff was incredibly welcoming and helpful. The room was clean and well-organized, providing a comfortable stay. The beds were very cozy, allowing for a good night's sleep. The hotel's restaurant served delicious meals with a wide variety of menu options. Additionally, the location of the hotel was perfect, being close to tourist attractions, which was a major advantage for me. Overall, I was highly satisfied with my stay at the hotel and would definitely choose it again.Thanks to dj for all the good Vibe music
    We loved our stay. The hotel is almost fully renovated, it looks very modern and nice inside out. We stayed in the Oriental area which is a little bit far away from the reception (700-800m) but loved the golf carts and the bikes that you freely use inside the resort. Our rooms were all renovated and very clean, the beds were very comfortable.Food was great, I am a picky eater but always hat some option available for me to it. The variety is not the typical one you see in the resorts, but the food quality is better. Drinks are also very good, almost all of them come in glass bottles. The coffee house has a great variety of coffee and syrups. The beach is super nice, the sunbeds are split in 2 areas - on sand and grass which is amazing if you do not like sandy feet. There are multiple pools, the main one next to the beach is renovated and looks amazing. We LOVED the animation and sports team, it made our stay more fun and memorable. The staff in the restaurants, bars and rooms keeping are the real heroes here, they work very hard and still manage to be friendly and super polite. I do recommend the hotel.

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    * Обявената цена е за един човек за една нощувка на база All Inclusive в обявения период от 29.12.2025 до 05.01.2026;
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    * Офертата е валидна при минимален престой от 3 нощувки;
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    * Офертата е със собствен транспорт;

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