Richmond Ephesus Resort ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Оферта № 11301

Цени от 135,00 лв.

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Кушадасъ  All Inclusive Дати по избор

Запознайте се с вълнуващия свят на Richmond Ephesus Resort, разположен в прекрасния Памучак, където боровите горички обгръщат този курорт с природна красота.

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    Запознайте се с вълнуващия свят на Richmond Ephesus Resort - All Inclusive, разположен в прекрасния Памучак, където боровите горички обгръщат този курорт с природна красота. Осигурете си изключително преживяване на брега на морето с този хотел, който се гордее със своя собствен плаж, удостоен с екологичната награда Син флаг, като знак за неговата чистота и качество. Освен това, с възможностите за отдих и забавление, които той предлага, ще се насладите на впечатляващо изживяване, което ще превърне вашата ваканция в незабравимо пътешествие. Стайте в Richmond Ephesus Resort - All Inclusive разполагат с изискан интериор, като всеки ъгъл е мислен и създаден с максимално внимание към вашата удобство. Всички стаи предлагат прекрасен изглед към морето или към уютната градина. Подсигурени са с удобства като климатик, плосък телевизор със сателитни канали, минибар и сейф, за да се уверите, че вашето престой ще бъде комфортен и спокоен. Допълнително, всеки край на стаята разкрива модерна баня със сешоар и безплатни козметични продукти, за да се почувствате като у дома си. За вашето удоволствие и наслада, хотелът предлага разнообразни възможности за хранене и развлечения. Ресторант Efes ще ви поглези с разнообразие от изискани ястия от фиксирано меню, докато в Beach Bar, Sunset Bar и Amfi Tiyatro Bar ще можете да се насладите на различни освежаващи напитки през целия ден, вдъхновени от атмосферата на брега на морето. Потопете се в света на релаксацията и блаженството в СПА центъра на хотела, където ще откриете турска баня, сауна, парна баня и фитнес зала. За тези, които обичат активния начин на живот, има безброй възможности за забавления, включително футбол на малки вратички, баскетбол, мини голф, тенис на маса, плажен волейбол и скуош. Също така, за вашето удобство, е осигурен безплатен собствен паркинг, а близостта до центъра на град Кушадасъ и древния град Ефес прави хотела перфектното място за изследване на околните забележителности. Летище Измир „Аднан Мендерес“ се намира само на кратко разстояние, предлагайки ви удобство и лесен достъп до вашата уелнес ваканция.

    *Възможно е да не виждате цялото съдържание на таблицата в зависимост от устройството, с което сте отворили сайта. Моля, скролнете вертикално (нагоре и надолу) и хоризонтално (наляво и надясно), за да разгледате всички периоди и съответните цени.

    ALL INCLUSIVE01.04.2025 03.05.202504.05.2025 24.05.202525.05.2025 13.06.202514.06.2025 04.07.202505.07.2025 26.08.202527.08.2025 13.09.202514.09.2025 30.09.202501.10.2025 15.10.202516.10.2025 31.10.2025
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM135161206267327283228179166
    DOUBLE ROOM270322411534653565455358331
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED364435554721882763614483447
    SINGLE ROOM270322411534653565455358331
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)270322411534653565455358331
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)270322411534653565455358331
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (2-11,99)270322411534653565455358331
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)270322411534653565455358331
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)270322411534653565455358331
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM146172217267327283239190177
    DOUBLE ROOM292344433534653565477380353
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED393465584721882763643513477
    SINGLE ROOM219258429531650562473376265
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)219258429531650562473376265
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)219258429531650562473376265
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (2-11,99)292344429531650562473376353
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)292344433534653565477380353
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)292344433534653565477380353
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM157184228278338294250201188
    DOUBLE ROOM314367455556675587499402375
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED423495614751911792673542507
    SINGLE ROOM314367455556675587499402375
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)314367455556675587499402375
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)314367455556675587499402375
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (2-11,99)314367455556675587499402375
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)314367455556675587499402375
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-1,99)314367455556675587499402375
    1 ADULT437516649801980847715569530
    2 ADULT437516649801980847715569530
    3 ADULT437516649801980847715569530
    1+1 CHD (0-11,99)437516649801980847715569530
    1+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)437516649801980847715569530
    1+3 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99) (0-11,99)437516649801980847715569530
    2+1 CHD (0-11,99)437516649801980847715569530
    2+2 CHD (0-11,99) (0-11,99)437516649801980847715569530
    3+1 CHD (0-11,99)437516649801980847715569530
    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    Richmond Ephesus Resort
    На база на 3633 отзива

    The hotel view is nice, food, and beach as well but the ISSUE with the beach you will see lots of insects on the sand & mostly everywhere.

    The experience is disappointing for a prestigious hotel for several reasons:

    - My wife & I booked for a king size bed & the hotel gave us 2 separate beds, not only that; but the room they gave us in the D-Block the internet is down. Also there is no basic welcoming stuff like the norms in any normal hotels having water inside your room. After several hours they passed by and left which should have been in our room when we first checked in this outside of our door(attached photo).

    You would expect for a premium price to get a great service like when the internet is down in your room/ not the same discerption you paid for to instantly change your room but no the workers are a bit cold and won’t take your reports seriously. For example when I reported for the beds, they told me come tomorrow after breakfast and we will see what we can do; or when I reported the internet is down they told me we will look into it and just left me without any solutions on how they are going to fix that or offer to change the room.

    You will struggle to get the basic things done here so keep that on mind before booking.

    In summary ( after spending 7 days):
    - The beach is nice not the best.
    - Generous with food with lots of variety.
    - Room service is far the worst experience I have ever had even after 7 days, for example ordering a towel or a bed sheet will take you hours to deliver it to your room or sometimes they even ditch you with your request. Also the bathroom shower has leakage, water fills all the bathroom floors.
    - Amazing entertainment after dinner time such as night shows for the kids.
    May 2024. Horrible experience. The resort staff is evil, obnoxious and rude. Our very small children, the oldest is 3, took chicken pox in the resort from other children. The staff told us we had to lock ourselves in the room for a week in lockdown and never go out, or we had to pack up immediately and leave. Other kids with chickenpox could go around so this was completely insane. They wouldn’t reimburse us, they said our agency should reimburse us, but they wouldn’t write to the agency that the resort didn’t want us as guests anymore and that we were lockdown in the room for a week. A nightmare. We explained to the resort that we needed their mail and the agency would find another resort or home for us.
    But they didn’t want to write anything. An evil sales woman at the reception has threatened us saying: "if you insist we call the police" (!!!!) with a dictator as head of Turkish government the sentence of this stupid obtuse ugly woman frightened us. We wanted the refund of the week in order to leave this nightmare and find another accommodation. They didn't want to give us our money back and they didn't want to explain the situation to the agency!!! They just wanted to lock us in the room for 1 week of holiday because of chickenpox and keep our money. Our children weren't contagious anymore. Shocking, unbelievable, insane. All the other tourists were shocked like us as well. We were locked in a room with very small children and a newborn (!!!). Fortunately the other European and Turkish tourists saw the situation and they all went to defend us at the reception. We called our doctors in Europe and a Turkish doctor. The Turkish doctor examined the children and told to the evil and stupid staff at the resort that we could walk around the resort with some precautions that we were already taking before. Dumb obnoxious staff in this resort who doesn't speak a word of English. A nightmare. And another guy at the front desk said, "we should inform our government that you’re sick." These people are completely out of their minds. With a dictator as head of their government: what a smart thing to say to a family of Europeans tourists. Unbelievable. Insane. Still shocked.

    The hotel view is nice, food, and beach as well but the ISSUE with the beach you will see lots of insects on the sand & mostly everywhere.

    The experience is the disappointing part for prestigious hotel for several reasons:
    - My wife & I booked for a king size bed & the hotel gave us 2 separate beds, not only that; but the room they gave us in the D-Block the internet is down. Also there is no basic welcoming stuff like the norms in any normal hotels having water inside your room. After several hours they passed by and left which should have been in our room when we first checked in this outside of our door(attached photo).

    You would expect for a premium price to get a great service like when the internet is down in your room/ not the same discerption you paid for to instantly change your room but no the workers are a bit cold and won’t take your reports seriously. For example when I reported for the beds, they told me come tomorrow after breakfast and we will see what we can do; or when I reported the internet is down they told me we will look into it and just left me without any solutions on how they are going to fix that or offer to change the room.

    You will struggle to get the basic things done here so keep that on mind before booking.
    For over 15 years, we’ve been regular guests at Richmond Ephesus, and each visit is a renewed pleasure.

    The staff and management (Arkin) are exceptional, consistently going above and beyond to ensure an unforgettable stay.

    The hotel’s expansive gardens provide the perfect setting for relaxation.

    Without a doubt, we will certainly be back again.
    The food was tasty and various, there was really big choice. The room was spacious. An absolutely amazing fire show one of evenings. Many plants and trees. The little minus was the gim, the floor was dirty, and the whole impression was for something poorly maintained.
    Wonderful hotel with wonderful staff, it's the staff that makes this hotel. They are lovely people who will help in any way possible. Special shout out to Hams and Bb in the massage spa. Thank you so much for your helpfulness and kindness. Barbie is lovely, and so is chico. We honestly didn't want to return home it was so lovely. We will be back. Much love to you all.( I hope the hotel realise what wonderful staff they have)
    We stayed for 2 nights here with full board package. We came a bit before the check in time. They said room was ready and their porter was not available. So it took time to get to room!! and that also hurried us to have lunch as lunch time was till 2.30/3pm. We somehow managed to grab some food and right on time they closed all the station which is natural but which i didnt like is they turned off lights while we along with other two families were still having our food.

    The resort is beautiful. Beautiful gardens, kids play ground, two swimming pools where one is silent pool (we spent quality time there), multiple cafes, private beach with beds, photographer (on payment) etc. They have waterslides but they operates only two short periods of the day; not well informed ahead so i couldn’t enjoy them. They have kids club too, my daughter (6yrs) took part in a disco- some kids dances together on music and host were there to help kids. They also offer late night soup and drink as well (12 am to 1 am) as their dinner ends at 8.30pm or so.

    Brekfast, lunch and dinner menu was really very good and with lots of dessert items. I bet you cant finish it all.

    We took a room with bunk beds and one queen bed with balcony in A block thats near to beach and silent pool. Rooms were bit small in size but bed were comfortable so we slept well. Complementary coka cola and water served everyday afternoon.

    During check out I didnt find their porter so had to take all four luggages from room to lobby. They said their porter did not come yet and that was already 9am in the morning!!!! Did not expect from 5 star resort at all.
    On arrival, the reception was unprepared and understaffed as there was a group of school children on a multiple day conference in the hotel.

    Our first room was unclean: medicine on the floor, hole in the wall and needed to be revamped. As we have a child, we complained and were upgraded. Room was better but bed was broken and shower leaked.

    Unsafe indoor play area - broken slide, netting and dangerous openings. Notified reception after visiting, they assured us that they would fix it within a few days ; despite constant reminders and a stay of 2 weeks, the locked door was never again opened.

    Whilst there, many problems were highlighted : bannisters that moved, metal spike on a pathway near the children's play area, trampoline steps that had a hole in, nails poolside....

    Whilst there my son had an accident on the trampoline, we went to reception and explained and asked them to call us a taxi to the hospital which they did. On arrival, we discover we are at the local public hospital. Ok but the English was non-existant and the didn't accept travel insurance and were unable to provide us with documents needed for us to be reimbursed. They deemed my son's foot as ok and we were sent home with nurofen. I asked the onsite doctor for a bandage but he wanted us to pay for a consultation.... ice packs too...

    After a discussion with the rep, he asked why we hadn't been sent to a private hospital and why we called a taxi for ourselves. The reception changed the story to suit their needs. Again, disappointing : on arrival back home, we went via the emergency room and low and behold, my son's foot is broken and he is currently in a plaster cast.

    A few good points: friendly wait staff, kind animation team and close to beach.

    Food was good but lacking variation : except during Turkish holiday celebrations when it was plentiful and varied.

    Cocktail menu is almost non-existant as everything is a supplement.

    Water isn't served in bottles but in tiny plastic cups that break very easily.

    Ice-cream is available for 1 hour a day.....

    A five-star hotel this is not! Their service needs to improve, as does their children's facilities and renovation and they need to put some protocol into place which are respected by all their staff.
    Pretty resort, close to the beach with a good selection of activities during the day and decent night entertainment. Lots of bars accessible within the resort. Large food selection at every meal time, food was yum. Really good quality massages! Worth a hammam experience! Elsa and the rest of the animation team were super friendly with good English.
    Very good relaxing hotel.The Staff was very professional and extremly friendly.
    You felt very homely.
    The Animation Team with Elsa,Barbie and Fethiye were great.
    Also Umut a fine human being.
    If anyone needs a good time and a resort with family friendly people,just go for this one!
    I will write feedback in detail about our stay in this hotel.
    1. When checking in to the hotel, The reception team is very cold-faced, we cannot see anything like a smile on their faces, and this affects the guests. This issue should be seriously evaluated. Even though we paid extra for 1 child, they did not provide a child's bed for us. Of course, there may not be a family room available due to Eid rush , but it was perfectly appropriate for them to ask for payment.
    2. There is a lot of variety of food but the quality is medium because pasta or white meat and yoghurt are generally used, these three products are interpreted in different ways as at least 7-8 varieties and it is not possible to find a different dish or dessert other than that, of course, in Turkey. Due to the increase in inflation, this is inevitably reflected in the whole sector, but still everything should not consist of these three main products, desserts, especially baklava varieties, have not been used pistachios. and I have not seen a single pistachio baklava or other dessert during these six days. The dessert consists of pudding and jelly varieties, interpreted in different ways. Of course, it is quite normal for the products to decrease depending on the occupancy rate of the hotel, but it is not normal for the quality to decrease. It is very important to have at least two star main meals in the food varieties. as visually the abundance of variety can be nice for the customers.
    3. ⁠ I was very pleased with the facility in general. It has almost all the activities that should be done on a holiday.
    4. ⁠ There are two issues I have to say about the reception service. Asked for a baby bed in afternoon after calling 2-3 times they brought at night at 10 also asked for a kettle and they brought but it doesn't work either.
    5. ⁠ the atmosphere of the restaurant is very nice, the tables and chairs are extremely comfortable.
    6. The location of the hotel is very nice, next to the sea, with a mountain view at the back.
    7. ⁠perfect for kids, there's every activity they want
    8. Outdoor and Indoor pools can be used by all guests at the same time.
    9. ⁠ Most likely, the children were bitten by insects because our room was not disinfected before entering, and we were left with this problem for five days.

    Please change the reception team with a smiley face ones. Or give the regular trainings. 🙏

    Considering all this
    I give 3 points.
    Overall a really good all-inclusive resort hotel right on the beach. Excellent selection of food. The salads and desserts were exceptional.

    As per many places in Turkey, smoking everywhere which made it an unpleasant experience at meal times.

    Spa service - this was a massive hit and miss situation ! We spent a fair bit on this €150 to receive a service which did not entirely deliver. Jacuzzi wasn’t ready or even filled, in the end we were told this was due to a busy hotel, no hot water! Steam room wasn’t on, so again we had to call someone. There seems to be a lot of staff trying to help but do not seem to communicate effectively with each other so you have to explain everything again.

    We were not even close to peak season, Richmond this needs to be looked at seriously. People are paying hard earned money on these extras!

    The Turkish bath and massage was excellent nevertheless. Mr Emir and Mrs Yamal were brilliant.
    We stayed in Richmond Ephesus hotel for 12 nights, where we have chosen to be in the small huts near the beach.

    I will start with the positive things about the hotel. The garden was spacious and amazing, lots of palm trees and diversity of different plants, it was really nice and green and we loved it. Also the restaurant was designed well, there was enough space for everybody. The food was ok, definitely not a 5 star experience, but it had enough choice. I did not like the fried half cooked things at the beach bar.
    I really loved the ladies who made omlettes, eggs and gözleme. Big respect to them! The staff was very kind. Except front desk people. We also enjoyed the shows at night. The outside zone for the kids was also very nice and comfortable.

    This is where the good things about the hotel end. The next part will be much longer.

    We arrived at the hotel around 09:00 and check in was at 14:00. However, we were able to get into our room at 17:00 which was insane! Our daughter, who is 2 years old had to sleep in the restaurant, we couldn't shower normally, because there was no shower gel in the bathrooms in the SPA center, nothing. Our room was quite small, it was on the ground floor therefore it had humidity and mold on the walls. There were not many comforts like in other 5 star hotels, shower gel was only one small bottle, which ended on the second day and till the end no one gave us a new one. Our biggest disappointment came when i got food poisoned twice, my daughter once and we were not compensated in any way. In those two days no one cleaned our room either...
    The water in the pools was very cold. The indoor kids center was dirty and it was just not ok for kids. In general i got the feeling that the hygine was very poor. At the beach there were lots of plastic, bottles and trash, which was definitely not attractive. We also did not like the mini disco, which was not suitable for small children. I should also mention that the hotel is placed in the middle of nowhere and there are tons of mosquitos eating you alive. Usually we have paid Ultra All Inclusive price, where we could use all Spa facilities, but it turned out that only sauna was included. Steam bath was with reservation, Hammam was paid. This was also very disappointing.

    Last but not least, we wanted to make a late checkout, usually it is at 12:00, but our bus was coming at 18:30, so we wanted to leave around 16:00 in order to provide comfort for our daughter and she could sleep normally after lunch. We have been asking them two days in advance if that would be possible. They kept telling that they still don't know and that they will know on the day. When the day areived, they simply said no. And when we asked why, since we were allowed to enter the room at the beginning at 17:00, and they did not compensate us for that in any way either, they simply said that if we want to check out late, we have to pay additionally 35€, so if you have a late flight, be prepared with extra 35€.

    In general i would say that this hotel is definitely not a 5 star hotel. The service is poor, hygine is poor, beach is dirty and the food can bring you nightmares. We will not repeat.
    This hotel is really outdated and needs a make-over. The most dissappointing thing was the food and drink. The food was mainly tasteless. The Coke and sprite (fizzy drinks) had a horrible flavour and obviously weren't the real deal. They even asked for a charge to have a non-alcoholic mojito.. so everything isn't all inclusive then?! Turkish coffee also wasn't free. Wouldn't recommend this hotel at all.
    Stayed 5 nights with family in September. Hotel is a bit dated but no big deal, all rooms and hotel facilities are well maintained, cleaned and comfortable. I liked the place. Resorts grounds are very nice - large green spaces, two nice swimming pools with plenty of chairs and umbrellas, enough facilities for kids. Beach is very nice, spacious, scenic, fine sand, clean, shallow water suitable even for infants. Food was very good - great selection of everything for all meals, usually well prepared. No seafood though. Alcoholic drinks all local (ok beer, poor wine, poor liquors/cocktails). Dolmus (local minibus) stops at the resort gate, runs frequently and a "bus manager" was always present there to help you out. 10 minutes to Efes/Selcuk, 15 minuts to central Kusadasi. Animation team was very active, organizing plenty of activities. We didn't join them but seemed like most of the guest were satisfied. Hotel visitors at the time was a good mix of Western (mostly German, French), local, Middle Eastern and russians (no problems with them). Atmosphere was friendly, calm, quiet. Very suitable for family vacation. Overall, a very nice experience and very good value for the price paid.
    My family and I were here for a week and let me tell you we had such a great time! The hotel looks amazing, there are a lot of beautiful flowers, palm trees and greenery in general. You feel like you are in a paradise, so so beautiful! The rooms were super clean and the sheets and trash cans were being changed every day, we even got some water and coca cola delivered daily to our room. There was a variety of food, everything you can imagine. In the afternoon we could get some snacks such as fresh fruit, waffles and burgers outside in the Olea cafe. If you wanted something to drink, the bars were always open for you. Also there was water everywhere, even on the table in the restaurant. The beach was super close, so you dont have to walk a lot if you want to go there. Also you get beach towels every day. Every night we had entertainment show in the Amphitheatre- the first night was African show, the second there was a live music performance in the Beach bar, third was a contest called Ms Richmond, then Mr Richmond, a circus show and another live perfomance, we couldnt watch the fire show because we had to leave the same day but i bet it was really cool haha. Anyway, I want to thank the hotel staff and management for making this hotel a really great place to stay and rest.
    Our stay in Turkey was perfect until we arrived at this hotel. We were put in a room located just below the upstairs restaurant, so we had the sound of creaking chairs on the restaurant's timetable all the time. The internet connection in our room is virtually non-existent, and our balcony view overlooks the hotel's garbage cans. How can I explain my disappointment when I reported our situation to the hotel manager and he wouldn't even solve the problem, and even laughed at me when I told him the wifi wasn't working in our room on the 5th floor. They have NO RESPECT for their customers. I had chosen this hotel because it had a good rating, but it seems that they don't treat all their customers in the same way. I DON'T recommend this hotel at all, as you're likely to be disappointed by the staff.

    Цени от 135,00 лв.

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