Papillon Zeugma Relaxury е петзвезден релаксационен рай в сърцето на курортния град Белек на турския бряг на Средиземно море. Хотелът се отличава с елегантен дизайн, изискани интериори и изключително висококачествени услуги, които гарантират на гостите незабравимо преживяване. Стайните в Papillon Zeugma Relaxury са просторни, луксозно обзаведени и предлагат на гостите си всички удобства за един уютен и комфортен престой. Всяка стая е оборудвана с климатик, минибар, сейф, LCD телевизор със сателитни канали, безплатен WiFi интернет и модерно обзаведена баня с душ или вана. Хотелът разполага с обширна територия, оформена с внимание към детайла, която включва чудесни зелени площи, открити басейни и прекрасни плажни зони. Гостите могат да се насладят на множество удобства и забавления, включително спа център със сауна, турска баня и масажи, фитнес зала, тенисни кортове, водни спортове и детски клуб. Храненето в Papillon Zeugma Relaxury е на изключително ниво, с разнообразие от вкусни ястия и напитки, които се предлагат в няколко ресторанта и бара в комплекса. Гостите могат да се насладят на изискана гурме кухня и разнообразни специалитети от цял свят. Съчетавайки стил, релаксация и лукс, Papillon Zeugma Relaxury е идеалното място за почивка в Белек, където гостите могат да се отпуснат и да се насладят на неповторима атмосфера на рафинираност и уют.
he estimated trip time between Papillon Zeugma Relaxury and Antalya Airport is 40 minutes. You can have a VIP, safe and comfortable journey with our company🚗☺️4 SEASONS TRANSFER …
Super hotel ! Our experience was amazing. I love the food, the rooms, the beach, the all-inclusive concept. I don't think you can find a better option.
It was amazing holiday, everything from the begining was just perfect. Guest relation, ( thanks to Katerina), food, personal, quietness, there are plenty areas for relaxation, good quality drinks, 5 stars show. We are leaving with lovely feedings
We stayed there for a week and were really happy. Everything was clean and the staff was very nice. The food was amazing and abundant, it felt like we were constantly eating. The distance between the sea and the pool is quite short, you can easily pick and rotate between them. There's also a shaded playground for small kids.One word of warning: If you introduce the indoor playground to your kid, your beach vacation might be over ;'( Our daughter loved it so much, she didn't want to leave to go swimming anymore.
Service and service and again excellent service!!! Cant say enough about it. Staff’s genuine goal is to help you and make you feel comfortable and they are knowledgeable enough to help you. Sounds simple yet most hotels never reach this level. Food is very well thought, very diverse and excellent quality. Special food and dining room for kids… hotel is very clean and a pleasure to be in. Doctor is available inside the hotel, any prescriptions are delivered….
The hotel is very good and puts a lot of love into details. The prices are high but def. fine for the quality you get.1. Food is amazing and I really hope they keep this high level in the future. Best food I have seen so far in a hotel resort.2. Rooms are always super clean, you always have more than enough of everything: towels, shampoo, dental kits…3. Beach is nice, though been to nicer ones in Turkey.4. Outdoor pools and indoor pool as well.The gym is good as well!5. Iceboxes at the pool for drinks.6. Resort looks big but it’s not super huge which is a plus.Negative:1. The pools outside could be more warm.2. You can’t do much outside the hotel, you would need to go to the city with a taxi. But that’s fine.3. Basically a lot of Russians and the employees talk to you in Russian first. I absolutely don’t like it and would prefer them to speak normal in English to me.The few negative points won’t change the 5 stars though.I stay here few more days and will come back again.
First time staying at the hotel. I will have to say for the price you are paying it is a good place to stay. The staff are nice and helpful and their service is good. Overall the room was good and clean. The Turkish breakfast restaurant is worth the try for sure, the seafood restaurant was amazing and you should go to. The Italian restaurant in my opinion was not good. The burger house was good and the food court was good as well. As for the entertainment it has a good variety of night entertainment and they were all good. I would have like their to be more activity during the day or for them to be longer than 10 mins.