Balmy Beach Resort ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Оферта № 11117

Цени от 170,00 лв.

Купи и спечели с Relaxo

  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
  • Balmy Beach Resort, хотел в Кемер, почивка в Турция
Резервирайте с депозит от 30%

Кемер Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

Balmy Beach Resort е прекрасен 4* хотел, разположен в живописния град Кемер, на красивия бряг на Средиземно море в Турция. Този уютен курорт предлага на своите гости незабравимо преживяване, съчетавайки удобство, разнообразни забавления и спокойствие в едно.

    • Информация и цени
    • Политика на резервиране
    • Мнения
    • Видео
    • Местоположение
    • Удобства
    Balmy Beach Resort е прекрасен четиризвезден хотел, разположен в живописния град Кемер, на красивия бряг на Средиземно море в Турция. Този уютен курорт предлага на своите гости незабравимо преживяване, съчетавайки удобство, разнообразни забавления и спокойствие в едно. Хотелът разполага със стилно обзаведени стаи и апартаменти, които предлагат комфорт и уют на всяко ниво. Всеки от тях е оборудван с модерни удобства и предлага прекрасна гледка към морето или градините на хотела. Balmy Beach Resort разполага и с богата гама от удобства и забавления за своите гости. Тук можете да се насладите на прекрасния басейн, да се релаксирате на плажа или да се потопите в спа центъра, който предлага разнообразни процедури за релаксация и освежаване. За любителите на активния отдих, в хотела има на разположение фитнес зала, тенис кортове и множество водни спортове. Ресторантите на Balmy Beach Resort предлагат разнообразни вкусове от местната и световната кухня, като удовлетворяват и най-изисканите гурме предпочитания. С уникалното си местоположение, уютната обстановка и богатата си инфраструктура, Balmy Beach Resort е идеалното място за почивка за всички, които търсят комбинация от релаксация, развлечения и красиви природни пейзажи.

    *Възможно е да не виждате цялото съдържание на таблицата в зависимост от устройството, с което сте отворили сайта. Моля, скролнете вертикално (нагоре и надолу) и хоризонтално (наляво и надясно), за да разгледате всички периоди и съответните цени.

    ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE01.04.2024 11.04.202412.04.2024 25.04.202426.04.2024 16.05.202417.05.2024 06.06.202407.06.2024 04.07.202405.07.2024 22.08.202423.08.2024 20.09.202421.09.2024 04.10.202405.10.2024 18.10.202419.10.2024 31.10.2024
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM170206252289356404356289252206
    DOUBLE ROOM340411503578711808711578503411
    SINGLE ROOM298360503578711808711578441360
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM203239285322389437389322285239
    DOUBLE ROOM406477569644777874777644569477
    SINGLE ROOM406477569644777874777644569477
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM203239285322389437389322285239
    DOUBLE ROOM406477569644777874777644569477
    SINGLE ROOM406477569644777874777644569477
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM225261307344411459411344307261
    DOUBLE ROOM450521613688821918821688613521
    SINGLE ROOM450521613688821918821688613521
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM247283329367433481433367329283
    DOUBLE ROOM494565658733865962865733658565
    SINGLE ROOM494565658733865962865733658565
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM347382428466532580532466428382
    DOUBLE ROOM693763856931106311601063931856763
    SINGLE ROOM693763856931106311601063931856763
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM391426472510576625576510472426
    DOUBLE ROOM78185294410191152124911521019944852
    SINGLE ROOM78185294410191152124911521019944852
    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    Balmy Beach Resort Kemer
    На база на 252 отзива
    I went to the Balmy Beach Hotel for a 7 day allinclusive holiday. After reaching the hotel we’ ve been welcomed by one of a hotel staff member that didn’t seem to be happy with his job. During the checking in, we’ve been surprised with welcome drink which was quite nice.
    Our hotel room that was supposed to have garden view, had a view to a piece of garden but mostly to the street. The room was good looking but not really practical - wardrobe was hard to close, bathroom was too small etc.
    There are no animations during the day. Each evening, they organise various shows: fire show, dj, jazz concerts etc. Most of these are great for 50+ people.
    Through our stay at the hotel, we were happy with huge range of food options. I wasn’t sure about freshness of sweet table. Most of these things looked like the same everyday - one of chocolate mousse had a white dot that seemed to be a mold.
    Bar staff was very great - friendly, keen to talk, trying their best.
    There is one pool in the hotel - if you want to lay down on the sunbeds, forget about. Unless you wake up before 7 am and reserve with a beach towel like everyone is doing. There are 2 information boards, placed on the opposite sides of the pool informing that every towel, bag etc. will be removed by the staff from the sunbeds after 1 hour of not using it. You can forget about it too - the staff is not doing it. One day of our stay there was no sunbed left at 11 am. They are few plastic sunbeds on the grass - also fully occupied. Feels like a 3 star hotel in Ibiza.
    On Saturday we wanted to book a table at ala Carte restaurant so we went to the reception for that. If you want book if you need to do it with one day advance at least. We were directed to the lady in corner of the reception room that seemed to be manager I guess. We’ve specifically asked for Sunday evening. As she said there was 7 pm free so we agreed. Next day, at 7 pm we appeared at ala Carte Restaurant. After saying room number, waiter told us we are not on the list of quests. After that he asked us where do we made reservation, if we know that we need to book it with a 1 day advance. We gave him the information with who we made reservation with and what time, he said he is going to call this lady probably. After reaching her he asked us, where are we from like there would be a difference if we are from Poland, Russia or Netherlands. Then he asked when is our departure date and he proposed Tuesday evening. Hotel expects quests to make reservation with advance but is not keen to make reservations properly.
    All in all, we didn’t even hear sorry for that. We specifically made reservation for that day, because next days we had some excursions booked. The key information for them is where do you come from, from that depends if your reservation is lost or no.
    The hotel aspires to be a 5 star but don’t really deserve it. I feel that for that amount of money I could have choose better hotel.
    Good points: bar staff, gym staff, most dining room staff, general apperance
    Bad points: poor level of English language, sunbeds reservation, treating quests differently depending on which nationality they are, no day animations
    A great retreat to relax and unwind during the day. At night time the music is loud until midnight in the hotel but great fun watching a band. If you like sleep, book a room away from view of the main bar. The nightclub near by plays loud music until early hours. This is a couples retreat not a singles getaway. Food is absolutely fresh and lovely. Staff are super helpful and lovely. If you don’t like cats don’t come to Turkey because they are everywhere, lol! Bring your own toiletries and sunscreen because they put prices up and I mean high. So far, I’ve been able to pay in Turkish Lira, British pounds and Euros. I wish I’d brought Euros to keep better track of my spending as the local currency is in the thousands and inflation is going crazy. The Spa for a massage or facials 50 mins in May €85 and June cost €90 easy to get a spot in low season in person (prices may go up in summer). Best massage!
    Not much around other than shops, pharmacy, mini markets but you can book Tui excursions to pick you up from the front entrance during the week, if you plan ahead (best rates in the app) in person book via the rep in hotel lobby that is around at certain hours during the day. The trips are worth it, best way to see the highlights. The location is not quite in Kemer centre it’s another 30 mins by taxi but worth a visit with an organised tour, up the cable cart. Set the taxi price before adventuring or ask the hotel reception to get one for you. Enjoy your trip!
    We had a wonderful week at Balmy Beach from May 18th to 25th, 2024. The hotel has a special charm, thanks to its simple yet elegant style, soothing music, and breathtaking mountain backdrop.

    The food was exceptional, with a daily rotation of hot dishes serving up a range of international cuisines, from Chinese to Mexican. Given the hotel's size, the food variety is impressive.

    The surroundings, rooms, and beach are always spotless, thanks to the attentive staff. The bar and café menus cater to everyone's tastes.

    We'd like to extend special thanks to Gaye, Zilan, and Baki for making our dinner and drink breaks even more memorable with their exceptional service and cheerful atmosphere.

    Until next time!
    We stayed for a week when hotel was just re-opened for the season and it was such a marvelous stay! I hope to come back and that the hotel will manage to keep up the same standard.

    We upgraded to the second highest room category to have a separate dressing area, which was nice for longer holiday.
    Loved that hotel is conscious about sustainability.

    Compliments to the team: Gamze & Aysun from the Garden Bar, such hard working and welcoming ladies!
    Bekir from Beach Bar always went above and beyond!
    Saban from breakfast super friendly and chatty every morning.
    The team at the lunch alacarte restaurant had troubles remembering the orders you made every day, but this wasn’t not significant to us given that the rest was amazing and still friendly service.

    Massages on site were not cheap (over 100€ for a 45 minute massage), but very enjoyable.

    We loved sports activities like TRF, Pilates, core trainings and tennis court on top.

    F&B options in buffet and ala carte were great and varied throughout whole stay. Just a little inconstancy in quality when it came to cocktails. By the middle of holiday we found out that best cocktails were from the mixologist, and not regular bartenders.
    I just have a wish that you had more healthy options during the day by the beach like fresh fruits, fresh juices and smoothies.

    All in all, fantastic place to be! Thank you to the entire team ❤️
    I'm not a review person but after spending 10days at the Balmy Beach Hotel in Kemer I really wanted to follow up with one.
    This holiday was, for me and my wife, our first all inclusive holiday. Mainly as my wife just wanted to stop and do nothing so we decided to dip our toes in. After searching and then considering some key points, transit time etc we found the Balmy Beach Hotel in Kemer. It looked great and using the Voyage Prive website we got a great deal for the 10days and an automatic upgrade.
    The journey was great and transit from the airport under and hour which was fine. We've been to Turkey many times so this transit was sort.
    On arrival to the hotel we were instantly met by the staff and welcomed into the reception area. They made us comfortable and brought us fresh drinks.
    Check in was easy and we where then informed we had been upgraded again to a superior suite which was a bonus.

    The hotel itself is lovely and we thought very well designed. The service was amazing. Very friendly staff always waiting on you with a smile and quick service. Here they come to you rather than you go to the bar, which felt great. The restaurants served a very high standard of food and a good variety of dishes for all the different nationalities there. We love to get to know the staff and language where ever we go and the staff here really appreciated this. You do see some people being rude to the staff or impatient which is disappointing but this was very rare on our stay.

    What we did like especially was the hotel house cats. They lived around the hotel, not wild but looked after by the hotel. They have their own cat houses as well. So in Turkey cats are respected and are seen as animals with healing powers and can take away your negative energy. They did for us and lovely to share the space with.

    The spa is a big element there and I must say the area they set aside for this is amazing. They have private cabanas surrounded by banana plants set over water so very tranquil. Farika came to us at the begin of the holiday to show us the services they has and invited us around. They were very polite and for the rest of the holiday would say hello but did not hound us. My wife had a massage on the last day which was perfect.

    We made good freinds with Hilad, Sagan, Berik and the operations manager Latifa who I must say was superb and constantly on hand helping customers and stopping to say hello and making sure you had everything you needed.

    The room was lovely especially with the upgrades and the servicing of the rooms was quick and to a high standard. There are apartments with private swim up pools but we liked being around the main pool as we were waited on and got to know lots of other people staying there.

    The bar staff and waiter provided great service and the cocktails and drinks amazing.

    The evening entertainment was great, bands and djs who would walk around and talk to the customers to find out what they would like to hear. The entertainment went on until around 11pm so for some this may have been a bit loud but you should always take earplugs on holiday for all eventualities.

    This was the perfect holiday break for me and my wife, everything we needed was there, the service excellent and we are going back in October this year. We highly recommend the Balmy Beach Hotel 🙂
    We recently enjoyed an 8-night stay at Balmy Beach Resort, and it was a delightful experience. Here's a summary of our stay:

    **Hotel Grounds and Atmosphere**
    - The resort is beautifully maintained with lush greenery and a calm environment.
    - The hotel grounds were exceptionally clean, adding to the overall relaxing atmosphere.
    - The pool area was spacious and lovely, but there could have been more sun beds to accommodate all guests.

    **Sports and Activities**
    - The sport center is well equipped with new equipment, and they offer great courses such as fly yoga.
    - Every evening, there was live music in a relaxed setting, creating a pleasant ambiance.

    **Staff and Service**
    - The staff at the resort were super friendly and always willing to help.
    - Most of the staff spoke enough English to understand our needs.
    - A special mention to our waiter, Seban, who went the extra mile to ensure our dining experience was exceptional.

    **Dining Options**
    - The main restaurant served excellent food with a wide variety of dishes. There was never a boring meal.
    - The snack bar near the beach had decent food, but it wasn't as remarkable as the main restaurant.

    - The village of Beldibi, where the resort is located, is not particularly scenic.
    - However, there are beautiful natural sights nearby, such as Gyönok Canyon, which are worth exploring.

    Overall, our stay at Balmy Beach Resort was relaxing and enjoyable. We would recommend this resort to anyone looking for a serene and well-maintained place to unwind. The friendly staff, great food, and variety of activities made it a memorable vacation.
    Since we come on vocation , the staff welcomed us very warmly . The ambiance and atmosphrere was very nice and beautiful and the food and cocktails were great. Batuhan in the Entertainment department was aslo very interested in us and it also a hotel with great live music and Dj performances . I recommend it to everyone
    We spent 10 really relaxing days here. The hotel is in excellent condition having recently been redecorated and refurbished. The bed was really comfortable, the room was clean and spacious. We had a room that looked towards the back of the hotel, close to a service entrance that could at times get really loud, but if you closed the window, tge noise was barely audible.
    The pool area is clean and spacious, surrounded with trees that give enough shade, large enough to find a sunbed even if you go later, music wasn't loud. The hotel has its own access to the sea with the beach kept clean, they even have a lifeguard for most of the day.
    The food was good, although somewhat repetitive if you are staying for longer. It is good that they offer a fair variety and mix of Turkish and international cuisine, everyone can find something they like.
    The staff was friendly and helpful at all tines, the only big minus here that most of them can't speak/understand English or German, not even at a basic level.
    All in all, I would go back and would recommend it to couples without children who'd like to chill in a clean, modern and comfortable atmosphere.

    Цени от 170,00 лв.

    Купи и спечели с Relaxo

    Кемер Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

    Balmy Beach Resort е прекрасен 4* хотел, разположен в живописния град Кемер, на красивия бряг на Средиземно море в Турция. Този уютен курорт предлага на своите гости незабравимо преживяване, съчетавайки удобство, разнообразни забавления и спокойствие в едно.

      Всички цени са в български лева, с включено ДДС.
      Този сайт е с информационна и рекламна цел и е възможно да са допуснати грешки.


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      Balmy Beach Resort ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️