Club Marvy Resort ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Оферта № 11308

Цени от 221,00 лв.

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Йоздере  Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

Този съвременен хотелски комплекс предлага модерни стаи за настаняване, разположени в непосредствена близост до плажа, само на 1,5 километра от сърцето на град Йоздере.

    • Информация и цени
    • Политика на резервиране
    • Мнения
    • Видео
    • Местоположение
    • Удобства
    Този съвременен хотелски комплекс предлага модерни стаи за настаняване, разположени в непосредствена близост до плажа, само на 1,5 километра от сърцето на град Йоздере. Включени са собствена плажна зона, безплатен WiFi, СПА център и няколко чисто и изкусно оформени плувни басейна. Стайте в петзвездния комплекс Club Marvy Ozdere са обзаведени със съвременни мебели и предлагат всички удобства, необходими за комфортен престой. Всеки от тях включва сателитна телевизия, климатик и просторен балкон, като допълнително се предлага минибар, зареден със свежа бутилирана вода. Стаите разполагат и със самостоятелна баня, оборудвана с необходимите тоалетни принадлежности. Гостите се наслаждават на великолепна ежедневна закуска на шведска маса, допълнена с прясно изцеден портокалов сок, както и на възможността за късна закуска. Ресторантът на хотела предлага био и трапезни вина, местни бири и безалкохолни напитки, осигурявайки на посетителите разнообразие и качество. Сред многото възможности за хранене в комплекса Club Marvy Ozdere се открояват шестте а ла карт ресторанта, като всяко от тях предлага уникални вкусове и атмосфера. Гостите могат да се насладят на егейска кухня в ресторант Değirmen, на традиционни турски ястия в İskele Meyhane или на италиански специалитети в Buono Italiano By Cristina Bowerman. Други опции включват изискани стекове и бургери в BOA Steak & Burger House, както и превъзходни морски дарове и риба в Adult Beach и Fish On The Rocks, който предлага прекрасен изглед към плажа. Съществуват и 11 бара и 2 снекбара, където гостите могат да се насладят на освежаващи напитки и леки закуски. Допълнително за релаксация и развлечение, на разположение на гостите са различни масажи и процедури в СПА центъра, инфинити басейнът и водните пързалки. Паркингът в хотела е безплатен, като гарантира удобство и безпроблемно пътуване.

    *Възможно е да не виждате цялото съдържание на таблицата в зависимост от устройството, с което сте отворили сайта. Моля, скролнете вертикално (нагоре и надолу) и хоризонтално (наляво и надясно), за да разгледате всички периоди и съответните цени.

    ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE01.04.2025 13.04.202514.04.2025 25.04.202526.04.2025 08.05.202509.05.2025 22.05.202523.05.2025 05.06.202506.06.2025 03.07.202504.07.2025 28.08.202529.08.2025 25.09.202526.09.2025 09.10.202510.10.2025 23.10.202524.10.2025 31.10.2025
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM221256296347393494607494393347296
    DOUBLE ROOM4415125916937859881213988785693591
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED59669179893510601334163813341060935798
    SINGLE ROOM4415125916937859881213988785693591
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)4415125916937859881213988785693591
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)4415125916937859881213988785693591
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)4415125916937859881213988785693591
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)4415125916937859881213988785693591
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)552640739866982123515161235982866739
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM221256296347393494607494393347296
    DOUBLE ROOM4415125916937859881213988785693591
    SINGLE ROOM331384444520589741910741589520444
    1+1 CHD (0-1,99)331384444520589741910741589520444
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)4415125916937859881213988785693591
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)4415125916937859881213988785693591
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM243278318369415516629516415369318
    DOUBLE ROOM486556636737830103212571032830737636
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED65575185899511201394169713941120995858
    SINGLE ROOM4134735406267058781069878705626540
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM265300340391437539651539437391340
    DOUBLE ROOM530600680781874107713011077874781680
    SINGLE ROOM530600680781874107713011077874781680
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM265300340391437539651539437391340
    DOUBLE ROOM530600680781874107713011077874781680
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED7158109171054117914531757145311791054917
    SINGLE ROOM530600680781874107713011077874781680
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM276320370433491618758618491433370
    DOUBLE ROOM552640739866982123515161235982866739
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED7458649981169132516672047166713251169998
    SINGLE ROOM552640739866982123515161235982866739
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)552640739866982123515161235982866739
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)552640739866982123515161235982866739
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)552640739866982123515161235982866739
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)552640739866982123515161235982866739
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)6908009241082122715441895154412271082924
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)7458649981169132516672047166713251169998
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    4 ADULT8941036119714031590200124562001159014031197
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)6627688871039117814821820148211781039887
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)6627688871039117814821820148211781039887
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-1,99)6627688871039117814821820148211781039887
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (2-12,99)827960110912991472185322741853147212991109
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)827960110912991472185322741853147212991109
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)827960110912991472185322741853147212991109
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)8941036119714031590200124562001159014031197
    2 ADULT8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    3 ADULT8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    4 ADULT8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)8821024118213851570197624261976157013851182
    2 ADULT11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    3 ADULT11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    4 ADULT11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    5 ADULT13791599184721642454308737903087245421641847
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    2+4 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    3+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    4+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)11031279147817311963247030322470196317311478
    5+1 CHD (0-12,99)13791599184721642454308737903087245421641847
    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    Club Marvy
    На база на 1415 отзива
    During our stay at Club Mavy, Doga has truly taken exceptional care of our family, making our experience unforgettable. From the moment we arrived, Doga's warm and attentive service has been a highlight, ensuring that every aspect of our stay was perfect. Whether it was accommodating our special requests, providing insightful local recommendations, or simply greeting us with a smile each day, Doga's dedication and kindness made us feel at home. The personalized attention and thoughtful gestures demonstrated a genuine commitment to our comfort and happiness. Thanks to Doga, our family vacation was filled with wonderful memories, and we are deeply grateful for the exceptional care we received.
    Everything is 5* about this place, they have everybase covered to a high standard, 7 great restaurants including a Michelin star restaurant, 2 great beaches, wonderful pools, a number of bars to choose from and the staff are amazing without exception. This is just a must for a relaxing holiday. Will definitely return.
    During our stay at Club Mavy, Doga has truly taken exceptional care of our family, making our experience unforgettable. From the moment we arrived, Doga's warm and attentive service has been a highlight, ensuring that every aspect of our stay was perfect. Whether it was accommodating our special requests, providing insightful local recommendations, or simply greeting us with a smile each day, Doga's dedication and kindness made us feel at home. The personalized attention and thoughtful gestures demonstrated a genuine commitment to our comfort and happiness. Thanks to Doga, our family vacation was filled with wonderful memories, and we are deeply grateful for the exceptional care we received.
    The hotel was the most beautiful and lovely hotel I have ever seen and we had a lot of fun with everything in the hotel. The nature, the friendliness of the people and the fast service were perfect. Especially to Mr. Arda from the main restaurant (with the blue name tag) and Umutcan and Zeynep from Marvy Assist team. They help us with everything we want to do. A place you should definitely go.
    An incredible location filled with stunning views, rooms, pools, beaches, waterslides and food. Unfortunately, the service lets it down. Staff just do not care about the guests. Numerous times drinks orders were wrong or unfulfilled and on a couple of occasions at dinner, no drinks orders were even taken. Serious training needs to be given to all staff.
    Starting this review off by saying that once this is posted everyone will know the Marvy Secret. So this is bittersweet!

    I have been to this hotel twice in 10 months, once as a sole travelling parent with under 10s and most recently on a much needed grown up break with my girlfriends.

    It's rare for me to be a repeat visitor to any location, and testament to Club Marvy that the experience is simultaneously amazing for young families and busy professionals alike.

    This place is incredible , clean, airy, tucked away in a small private bay nestled in its own lush gardens.

    The food is incredible, much of it organic, always a huge array of fresh produce ( salads, olive oil, bread) and fresh fish and meat stations cooked to order. It is honestly its own 'concept' AI unlike the horrors you hear about elsewhere.
    So much to do for children and adults alike in terms of activity, space, craft work, art, music and the yoga and pilates.

    This April I persuaded 3 reluctant friends who were wary of the All Inclusive ( AI) concept and they were all blown away not simply with the quality of produce and ambience but really by the people
    The team at Club Marvy are even more amazing than the food, grounds and ambience itself. It is hard to believe but they are the primary reason I felt confident to come back twice.
    They really do invest in your experience, happiness and wellbeing with warm authentic genuine happiness to see you and host you.

    Special shout out to Onur at front desk. He is a cool cucumber, no request too big or too small in terms of housekeeping , comfort, working the app, private tours or just a general chat on how your day went and what could be enhanced. Elení only three weeks on front desk was engaging, charming, effervescent, proud and knowledgeable of the local area.
    Eda on front of desk too, genuine and accomodating.
    I understand Yusuf oversees the front desk team and will frequently stop to check in that everything is to expectations as we pass each other among the pomegranate and olive paths. It's honestly like coming home to an embrace.

    Having come back this year as a fully fledged grown up without children, I got to experience much more of the mindfulness offers If we could only take Çaner our yoga instructor home to London, we would all be calmer more adjusted beings.
    His whole outlook on life is practiced inside and outside yoga. Despite being fully booked on classes he always made sure to accommodate us on another session where feasible and calmly meet our varied demands, around managing aches, fears or varying degrees of fitness.

    Some teeny weeny observations, no full length mirror in room. Not a deal breaker. safe needed fixing, some bathroom dispensers didn't work. All we're offered to fix immediately. This is really picking hairs because honestly if they are things that influence your holiday, you've really missed the point of where the truly special magic lies, the food, the grounds, the views , the Marvy team.

    We will be back without a doubt for a third run. The spirit of this place draws you. My only reluctance is that by posting this review, now everyone will know!
    Club Marvy is like something out of a movie or a dream. My wife and I absolutely loved our stay. The staff are amazing, the ground and immaculate, the beaches beautiful and the food is out of this world.

    Particularly loved the adults only beach and bar. Really good gym and 5 star spar

    Highly recommend to anymore
    Overall this is a nicely curated resort. However there is not enough labeling and information on the foods at the buffet about dietary restrictions. Also A la carte restaurants don’t have a flexibility to serve vegan food.

    (Edit after hotel’s response: Thanks for taking the time to respond. The vegan corner of the main restaurant was always closed during my 3 nights of stay. Picture added.

    And there were no vegan options in the A La Carte restaurants listed in the menu, the team did a great job and proposed to serve some dishes from the main restaurant buffet. However it was no different from the food in the buffet and there was no sense to attend the A La Carte meal. I am happy to hear that you plan to take some actions on vegan food.)
    Overall this is a nicely curated resort. However there is not enough labeling and information on the foods at the buffet about dietary restrictions. Also A la carte restaurants don’t have a flexibility to serve vegan food.
    The dreamiest vacation destination I had. The all inclusive food had an excellent selection and quality. I will definitely come back another time and highly recommend it to anyone!
    Club Marvy what a Gem!

    This resort is advertised as a 5* and I have read some of the negative reviews on how this place is not a 5* resort. We have had the pleasure of staying in some fabulous 5* places that are immaculate and perfect so much so they do not have any character just a sterile perfection.

    Club Marvy is definitely not sterile and our room was certainly not perfect in fact it had a few things that I wasn't that impressed with and yes we did have to wait every now and then to receive our beautiful cocktail after we had ordered on our app, so does this mean Club Marvy is not a 5* resort?

    How do you determine this rating, is it from having an amazing holiday and even with the imperfections you didn't want to leave after 10 days, is it because it's the first resort we have ever been to and never felt the need to leave and go exploring, is it the abundance of character and beauty of the resort including the amazing daily fresh food or the constant smiles, courtesy and friendliness of all the staff, is it the authentic Turkish barber in the walkway of shops or the massage over the sea, the private beach overlooking the clear waters and the daily live music of an evening.

    Of course this place is not perfect but it doesn't need to be, it is beautiful, full of character, fun, relaxing and definitely value for money.

    Club Marvy gave us a 5* holiday and I am glad we have stumbled across this little gem of a resort, we as a family 100% recommend it.
    "Absolutely breathtaking holiday village in the Aegean Riviera! The architecture is simply tremendous, blending seamlessly with the stunning landscape. And let's talk about the food – local delights with characteristic ingredients that tantalize the taste buds! Plus, the 24-hour smiling staff and fantastic boss make every moment here truly unforgettable. A slice of paradise indeed! With mesmerizing views and such a great team, it's an experience you'll cherish forever."
    I had a great experience until I got quite sick with stomach trouble at the end of my stay. I wanted to get immodium via the hotel's nurse so I could sleep, but wouldn't give it to me and instead shipped me off to private hospital who charged me €600 to go on a drip, after saying it would be 80. It was obviously ridiculous but I was too unwell to question it all. Feel really taken advantage of, and the hotel did nothing to help me get my money back from the people they sent me to.
    Last summer, our family's stay at "Club Marvy" exceeded all expectations, providing an unforgettable experience in this Boho paradise nestled in a stunning natural setting.

    "Club Marvy" not only impressed us with its eco-friendly philosophy but also delivered an impressive level of comfort. The accommodations seamlessly blended refined style with a cozy ambiance.

    We were fortunate to have two double rooms with a connecting door for our family of four. The rooms were impeccably clean, thoughtfully appointed, and highly practical. Being situated in the main building allowed us convenient access to everything within short walking distances.

    Breakfast, lunch and dinner were nothing short of a gastronomic adventure. The buffet presented a sensory feast, boasting an impressive variety that showcased the richness of local and international cuisines. From delectable starters to mouth-watering mains and divine desserts, each bite was a celebration of taste.

    The hotel's infrastructure leaves absolutely nothing to be desired. Whether you're yearning for relaxation or seeking thrilling activities, "Club Marvy" has it all. For those seeking tranquility, peace is easily found; for those in search of activities, there's always something wonderful to do.

    We will definitely return.
    I've never been anywhere in this world where ALL the staff are so friendly and nice. All of them were so nice to my 2 year old, making him feel so special.
    Particularly Nebil the sound engineer and Turag (i think thats how you spell his name, included in the pictures to kust so he can get the credit he deserves) round the main pool was a very hard worker, and always made time for my boy.
    The dinners in the main restaurant got a bit to repetitive for us. The pizza place for lunch was lovely. Didn't try the other restaurants as I was unsure what my child would eat.
    Most comfortable bed I've slept in for a long time. Rooms are nice, basic, but nice. A light outside on the balcony would of been nice for night time.
    And like other reviews the evening entertainment was loud. Which we embraced but would of been nice to have a more chilled night of entertainment mixed in there.
    One thing we found odd was, for such a child friendly hotel, there was no obvious baby changing area. A sun lounger is fine for a number 1. But had to go back to our room for the other one. A minor issue as I enjoyed getting my steps in, on an otherwise very relaxing stay.
    We had the pleasure of staying at Club Marvy for the third time, and once again, it exceeded all our expectations. From the moment we entered the hotel, we felt the warm atmosphere and hospitality that define this exceptional place.

    In particular, at the à la carte restaurant Iskele Meyhane, we experienced extraordinary hospitality from Cihan and Hakan. Their attentiveness and dedication to ensuring we had an unforgettable evening left us impressed and delighted. We had the same heartfelt experience at the à la carte restaurant Boa Grill, where the friendly Restaurant Chef Birol warmly welcomed us. His kind demeanor and recommendations far surpassed our expectations.

    The entire staff at Club Marvy deserves praise for their incredible friendliness and attentiveness. From the reception to housekeeping and the Guest Relations team, the entire team made our stay exceptionally pleasant.

    The food at the main restaurant was sensational, offering a wide range of delicious dishes. The culinary experiences at Club Marvy are truly a highlight.

    The only bottleneck was at the pool bar, where regrettably, some of the ordered drinks were not delivered several times a day, which is very untypical for this amazing hotel. This was a minor hiccup in an otherwise flawless experience.

    We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every member of the Club Marvy team who made our third wonderful vacation possible. Their dedication to excellent service and the warm atmosphere of this hotel make the stay here unforgettable.

    We are already looking forward to our next visit to Club Marvy and wholeheartedly recommend this hotel.
    My wife and I stayed 5 nights in Club Marvy in July. It was such a fantastic experience that we did not want to go home. Everything, but everything was perfect. I can not find anything to complain. A big shout goes to the staff, and every staff. They are doing an amazing job. I can recommend this hotel to anyone! Next year, we are going to Club Marvy again for sure!
    Although its a beautiful hotel and the food was good we basically missed a lack of management. The ‘zen’ experience which they promote on their socials was far from what we experienced...

    There where lots of smaller remarks to be made but the worst was that the hotel was packed and therefore there was a daily battle to sun-beds, or any sun-bed for that matter. As a family of 5 we managed to get a max of 2 beds per day for our entire stay as we did not wanted to get up at 6.00 AM and place towels… We ended up struggling every single day and even had arguments with other hotel guests! There was a aggressive energy when it came to touching ‘their’ bed, it seemed like a jungle of chimp tribes…

    When notifying, the staff kindly helped but for a hotel of this caliber it should have never been a daily issue. It really impacted our stay and I would not book this resort again, its a pity as it has so much potential to give its guests what it promises…
    Very friendly and polite stuff. The stuff gets 10 stars! The hotel is located among many trees, has the perfect climate. The hotel itself was renovated a few years ago but if you look carefully you can still see that it is old.
    The food was really good at the main restaurant. The other 2 restaurants that we have tried were not our taste but the service in those was also very good. The only problem we had with the hotel was the live music events at night. You can not open your windows because it is too loud until late in the evening. If you want to go to sleep before 23:00 hrs, good luck with that. Another things that is lacking in this hotel is a silent Corner where you can Reader a book or work on your computer.
    The kids' club was very good. Our son loved it there. I am not sure if I will come here again. I found the music at night to be really disturbing but if you do not get to bed before 23:30 hrs then it should not be a problem for you.
    Been to Club Marvy twice! Will go again for sure! This place is beautiful, been to many hotels and the quality of this hotel reflects very high standards. Food is amazing all the time. The gym view is great. Spa experience was lovely too! The contemporary touch to the hotel makes it look very cool. The ambiance is full of nature and the evening walks around are the best. Love it!
    Our recent week-long stay at this hotel was simply amazing. The large room with a breathtaking sea view was incredible. The adult area, with its private bay, bars, and restaurants, was perfect for relaxation. The food and cocktails exceeded our expectations. While nightlife options were limited after 23:00 (the night club was empty), this place is designed to help you unwind and recharge. We left feeling completely refreshed. Highly recommended for a memorable vacation.

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      Club Marvy Resort ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️