Lago Hotel ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Оферта № 11224

Цени от 179,00 лв.

Купи и спечели с Relaxo

Сиде  Ultra All Inclusive Дати по избор

Lago Hotel е разположен в уникалната област Титрейенгьол, ограден от палмови дървета на площ от 120 000 м², където морето среща земята.

    • Информация и цени
    • Политика на резервиране
    • Мнения
    • Видео
    • Местоположение
    • Удобства
    Lago Hotel е разположен в уникалната област Титрейенгьол, ограден от палмови дървета и разположен на площ от 120 000 м², където морето среща земята си. Този комплекс съчетава неповторимо уют и ексклузивност, привличайки гостите си с разкошни пространства и магията на близостта към природата. Тук можете да се насладите на един от най-привлекателните микроклимати, който осигурява свеж въздух и удоволствие през цялата година. Сред красотите на природата, като плажа и морето, се крият богатства като над 100 вида птици, морски костенурки и разнообразие от морски видове. Хотелът впечатлява с 22 открити басейна, включително специални басейни за деца и аквапарк с много пързалки, които обещават незабравими моменти на забавление. Насладете се на комфорта на 8 детски басейна, 10 за възрастни и 4 хидромасажни басейна, които са разпределени по различните части на комплекса.Насладете се на прекрасно оформените стаи в стил селджукски, където модерният дизайн се преплита с елегантни цветове като мед и тюркоаз. Всяка стая предлага уют и удобство, като са оборудвани с LED телевизори и минибарове. Отделните бани са снабдени с безплатни тоалетни принадлежности, а балконите предлагат чудесни гледки към морето, басейна или природата.Храната в хотела се сервира в разнообразни ресторанти, като основният ресторант предлага богато меню на шведска маса, а ресторант Sultan разнообразни изкушения от турската и световната кухня. А ла карт ресторантите ще ви завладеят с богатата си селекция от традиционни и международни ястия. По време на престоя си, не пропускайте да посетите баровете в хотела, където ви очакват различни напитки и леки закуски.Хотелът предлага разнообразни спортни и развлекателни активности, включително тенис кортове, маси за пинг-понг и игрища за волейбол. Освен това са организирани и международни спортни събития и забавления за гостите. СПА центърът и фитнес залата са на разположение за тези, които искат да се релаксират и поддържат форма. По желание, може да се наеме трансфер до летище Анталия, което е на 70 километра, за да бъде гарантирано пълното ви удобство и комфорт.

    *Възможно е да не виждате цялото съдържание на таблицата в зависимост от устройството, с което сте отворили сайта. Моля, скролнете вертикално (нагоре и надолу) и хоризонтално (наляво и надясно), за да разгледате всички периоди и съответните цени.

    ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE25.03.2025 15.04.202516.04.2025 26.04.202527.04.2025 15.05.202516.05.2025 31.05.202501.06.2025 14.06.202515.06.2025 30.06.202501.07.2025 12.07.202513.07.2025 25.08.202526.08.2025 06.09.202507.09.2025 27.09.202528.09.2025 11.10.202512.10.2025 24.10.202525.10.2025 31.10.2025
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM179212278322367400444477444400367300212
    DOUBLE ROOM358424556644733799887953887799733600424
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED48357275187098910781197128611971078989810572
    SINGLE ROOM270319418644733799887953887799733451319
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)270319418644733799887953887799733451319
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)270319418644733799887953887799733451319
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)359425557644733799887953887799733601425
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)358424556644733799887953887799733600424
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)358424556644733799887953887799733600424
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)48257275086998810781197128611971078988810572
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)48357275187098910781197128611971078989810572
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM190223289333378411455488455411378311223
    DOUBLE ROOM380446578666755821909975909821755622446
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED5136027808991019110812271316122711081019840602
    SINGLE ROOM286336435666755821909975909821755468336
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)286336435666755821909975909821755468336
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)286336435666755821909975909821755468336
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)381447579666755821909975909821755623447
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)380446578666755821909975909821755622446
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)380446578666755821909975909821755622446
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)5126017808991018110712261316122611071018840601
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)5136027808991019110812271316122711081019840602
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM206244320370421459510548510459421345244
    DOUBLE ROOM411487639740842918101910951019918842690487
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED5546578629991136123913761478137612391136931657
    SINGLE ROOM309366480740842918101910951019918842518366
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)309366480740842918101910951019918842518366
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)309366480740842918101910951019918842518366
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)412488640740842918101910951019918842691488
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)411487639740842918101910951019918842690487
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)411487639740842918101910951019918842690487
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)5546568629991136123813751478137512381136930656
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)5546578629991136123913761478137612391136931657
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM228266342392443481532570532481443367266
    DOUBLE ROOM455531683784886962106311391063962886734531
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED61471692210591196129814351538143512981196990716
    SINGLE ROOM342399513784886962106311391063962886551399
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)342399513784886962106311391063962886551399
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)342399513784886962106311391063962886551399
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)456532684784886962106311391063962886735532
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)455531683784886962106311391063962886734531
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)455531683784886962106311391063962886734531
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)61371692110581195129814351538143512981195990716
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)61471692210591196129814351538143512981196990716
    1 ADULT5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    2 ADULT5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    3 ADULT5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    4 ADULT57468089110321174127914211526142112791174962680
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-1,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (2-12,99)57468089110321174127914211526142112791174962680
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)5376378359671100119913311430133111991100901637
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)57468089110321174127914211526142112791174962680
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)57468089110321174127914211526142112791174962680
    1 ADULT57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    2 ADULT57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    3 ADULT57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    4 ADULT60971592710681209131514561562145613151209997715
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-1,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (2-12,99)60971592710681209131514561562145613151209997715
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)57067086810001133123213641464136412321133934670
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)60971592710681209131514561562145613151209997715
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)60971592710681209131514561562145613151209997715
    1 ADULT57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    2 ADULT57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    3 ADULT57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    4 ADULT627742974112812831398155316691553139812831051742
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-1,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (2-12,99)627742974112812831398155316691553139812831051742
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)57367989010311172127814191525141912781172961679
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)627742974112812831398155316691553139812831051742
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)627742974112812831398155316691553139812831051742
    1 ADULT60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    2 ADULT60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    3 ADULT60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    4 ADULT6657811013116713211437159117071591143713211090781
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-1,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (2-12,99)6657811013116713211437159117071591143713211090781
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)60871492510671208131414551561145513141208996714
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)6657811013116713211437159117071591143713211090781
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)6657811013116713211437159117071591143713211090781
    1 ADULT617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    2 ADULT617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    3 ADULT617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    4 ADULT6587801024118613481470163217541632147013481105780
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-1,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (2-12,99)6587801024118613481470163217541632147013481105780
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)617731959111112631378153016441530137812631035731
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)6587801024118613481470163217541632147013481105780
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)6587801024118613481470163217541632147013481105780
    1 ADULT6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    2 ADULT6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    3 ADULT6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    4 ADULT7298511094125614191540170318241703154014191175851
    1+1 CHD (0-12,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    1+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    1+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-12,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    2+1 CHD (0-12,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    2+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (0-1,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    2+3 CHD (0-12,99) (0-12,99) (2-12,99)7298511094125614191540170318241703154014191175851
    3+1 CHD (0-12,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (0-1,99)6837971025117713301444159617101596144413301101797
    3+2 CHD (0-12,99) (2-12,99)7298511094125614191540170318241703154014191175851
    4+1 CHD (0-12,99)7298511094125614191540170318241703154014191175851
    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    На база на 635 отзива
    The advertisement is big, the rooms are clean,The food is the same every day, there is no variety, the things left over from the meals are recycled in the next meal, every day there is only pilav and stuffed vegetables, several vegetable patties every day in the same place, my stomach still hasn't calmed down from the pilav I eat every day. most of the bartenders had no idea of ​​cocktails, the girls in the restaurant took orders and didn't bring them, the glasses in the kitchen were dirty from the first day to the last day we left.To much money for low quality food and bad service.
    I am here right now hotel is really good. We loved cleaning, foods and services. Stuffs are so friendly and helpful they have activities and shows every night. We are satisfied about animation. Thank you for everything and we are recommending here to everybody. I am giving 5 stars.
    I am here with my boyfriend, we love the hotel. Our room is really clean, pools are so wide they have aqua park and it is amazing. we like food it is delicious. also we ate meals from every where because they have too many places all around the hotel. and we wanted to thank to rumeysa and pelin from animation team they were so kind.
    Absolutely one of the top hotels for an unforgettable vacation.1st of all, i want to speak about the staff. They literally know what you need before you ask for it, some small details like continuously asking you if you need anything with abig smile on their face, these people are not doing their job, they are enjoying it!The activities are always different, and fun is granted with the wonderful park they have in LAGO.Every day, you wake up excited to know what they prepared for tonight.NOW, LET'S TALK ABOUT FOOD.The food is diverse with everything you can and can't imagine. You can have your three big meals at the restaurant, and between them, the snack spot is working with all kind of fast food. Of course, all kinds of drinks are available all the time. Imagine that my wife wanted to drink a thyme tea. They didn't have it, but they brought it for her.
    We stayed at Lago last week and we had a very nice stay. Rooms are spacious and cleaned every day. The food is delicious. A lot of sadisfactions for kids (mini club + different organisations every day) . The service is great. We would mention Mehmed Sumu at main restaurant, yousuf at vago bar and rosalia. Entertainment team 🌟🌟
    This hotel is located about an hour from Antalya Airport. We booked a private transfer for convenience. The rooms were clean, but room service was a bit slow. Sometimes, it took 2 or 3 calls to get what we needed.There are many restaurants and bars within walking distance, with attentive and professional staff. You can find food options throughout the day. The food itself was generally good, with excellent grilled rice and meat dishes. However, the pizza wasn't great. The beverage selection was vast, from beer to whiskey.This is a perfect hotel for families with children. The hotel has a fantastic water park that will keep them entertained all day long.
    Rooms: The rooms are very nice but unfortunately poorly insulated. A lot of noise comes through from outside, the hallway, and the neighbors. Since the bars close at 1 AM, it is difficult to sleep through the music. Rooms are not very clean (even if you let them clean daily)Pool: Heated pool, but unfortunately most of the chairs are taken early. This means you might end up without a chair.Food: Gets a 6 out of 10. À la carte Anatolia gets a 7 out of 10.Staff: Often chaotic and constantly forget what you ask for. Some do not speak English or Turkish, making communication difficult.I will not come back or recommend anyone to this hotel.
    the Best hotel ever!! we were in Side more Times but this amazing hotel, with top service and more then one possibikity of night program... we will deffinitely Come back
    We are a family (mother, father and two daughters, 9 and 7 years old). All in all, we are very happy with our stay at the LAGO hotel.The hotel was so amazing in April 2024.The service and guest relation was super. They were all very friendly and we got all we needed.The a la carte restaurants at the beach were very cozy. There was a really good atmosphere. Most of the food did taste very good. Service staff in the restaurants was speaking German fluently (not everyone, but some are like German natives). One restaurant was opened 24/7. So it was possible to get food, e.g. tasty hamburgers, at any time.Unfortunately they did not have German speaking children animation staff. But our girls didn't mind. They found a German friend and they were able to communicate their wishes to the hotel staff and were understood by them. They could also independently order what they wanted and got it (e.g. cake and drinks).The rooms (we got) were very clean and new. We got new towels every time we wanted. The sea view from the balcony was very beautiful. Very nice pool as well. Part of the pool was heated. The hotel has also amazing water slides.Negative points:- too many cats around (one daughter was bitten)- too many jellyfish in the ocean (could not go swimming there)- expensive FAKE-brands-shop inside the hotelConclusion:- a perfect holiday does not need to be perfect in every single point- we would come back
    Pro: This hotel is great, the pools, the outside area is very nice, with a lot of bars, places to eat, kids areas.Cons: A huge minus for this hotel and the main reason for why I won’t came back ever again is the staff and especially the receptionist. When we arrived they didn’t give us the rooms the we pay for, they tried to scam us for a different room.
    Great place with beautiful views, great food and a great bar. I would also like to highlight the animators, and in particular Kubilay. I would happily repeat my holiday in this place.
    This hotel is truly incredible, everything is perfect, the food is amazing, the beach is perfect, the volleyball court is super, the staff is very nice, especially Arjin comes out when you have questions and works for you, respect to him and the entire management team
    Very good hotel, nice and stylish, amazing entertainment team and guest relations. Every evening different shows, discos, it’s cool 👍🏻
    Rumeysa, Rabia, neha on the entertainment team are amazing and very welcoming had an amazing time with them. Lago hotel is very beautiful , clean, also delicious foods. We have satisfied everything. Thanks for everything. We will come here again.
    I met Arjin at the piano bar & he was extremely friendly. One of the best workers in Lago Hotel. We thank him for everything!
    The hotel offers a nice experience, with clean and comfortable rooms. Additionally, Arjin was an excellent staff member, always helpful and patiently answering our questions.
    Very good and friendy service, good choice of food, great pools, good location, nice beach. Everything was great. Especially their staff Arjin, he helped me full. I Will come back soon!
    Very good hotel. Food is excellent. Personnel is professionals at their duties. Totally recommend this. If you want to have great holiday go here. Big shouts to our man ARJIN
    The hotel has been renovated and redesigned, we were pleased, and at the same time, the staff, especially Arjin, was very friendly and eager to help us.
    From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with warmth and professionalism. Everything, from the stunning views to the cozy amenities, made our stay incredibly enjoyable. In addition to its luxurious amenities, Lago Hotel offers a diverse range of activities and excursions to suit every interest. The dining options were equally impressive, offering a delightful culinary experience. One highlight of our stay was the exceptional entertainment provided by the talented Kubi. His energy, charisma, and passion for his craft truly elevated our experience as guests.
    Unfortunately staff don't answer for emails. They give you an offer and when you book your flights they will not confirm your reservation... very poor and unprofessional service. The hotel full of russian losers🖕👎
    We recently stayed at Lago Hotel and had a very good experience. The staff's warm welcome, modern room, and impressive amenities stood out. The top-notch service were consistently maintained and the dining was varied and incredibly delicious. A special thanks to Mr. Meander K., Merthan and Ahmet for going above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay. This hotel offers an unforgettable and valuable experience, and I highly recommend it.
    Our family spent a week in Lago Hotel at the end of September 2023. We have really mixed feelings and experiences. Hotel has a great potential but after full refurbishment it was open too early - too many problems with rooms (problems with equipment, paint / doors etc.), not enough staff causing long waiting time for everything like drink or food & table during lunch. It shouldn't take place in any 4 star hotel, while Lago supposed to be 5 star hotel 🙁 Hotel is nicely designed - pool area and pools itself are very nice, main lobby is great, restaurant is big and comfortable.... but... not enough staff to serve guests on time & quality. Food served was very good - huge variety, live cooking stations, grills etc. - simply great. All inclusive works well with premium alkohols and branded soft drinks. Lago hotel is approx. 8 km from Side & approx. 60km from Alanya - both towns worth visiting while spending vacations in this area. I think that next year, when rooms gets finished / renovated and they hire & train more staff, this hotel will be one of the best in Side / Manavgat region.
    Good hotel, nice swim up rooms, nice beach and space for all visitors who are happy with this site. The same problem happened to us: My child forgot his shoes in the bistro in the evening and the next day I went looking for my child's shoes and the waiter told me Yes . He had already put the shoes in the closet and he went to give me the shoes and he can't find the shoes anymore. He told me to go to the front desk and ask and I went but there were no shoes there and no one knows where the shoes just disappeared and no one knows where the shoes are. Very disgraceful because they were new shoes and someone stole the original brand. The employee was so unprofessional that my son ran to Switzerland with sandals because they were the only shoes.
    The hotel has a beautiful interior and the pools are clean. The food is varied and quite tasty, but the staff do not speak English and have no attitude towards the guests. The cleaning in the rooms is at a very low level, in 8 days our room was cleaned 1 time.
    We did not get any value for our money, the pictures are not real!!When we first entered the hotel, we liked its appearance, but everything changed when we entered our room. Our room was not clean, the bathroom and toilet were stained, the minibar was said to be free, but there was nothing in the minibar, although we informed that we would come with the baby, there was no baby bed and we did not have a safe for special items. We begged the reception for 4 days for baby bed and safe but none came. In addition, the room's air conditioner is not working, it is unbearable in this heat. The pools are very hot and dirty, the water of the pool smells like piss and is not cleaned at all. The pool is full of dirt. Tables are moldy and bowls are muddy/mildy. The food has no taste at all, it is a hotel for almost 1000 people, but the open buffet is very small and there is very little food variety (almost the same dishes every day). It is also impossible to find a place in the restaurant. Tables are not collected, even if they are collected, they remain very dirty. We had to clean the forks and knives ourselves. So are the cups. When you ask the employees for something, they react angry.Please don’t believe other reviews, I spoke to the assistent of the manager and he told me that they buy reviews becausse nobody is happy about the hotel!!!!!!
    The only thing who i didn't like is the reception. All the rest is just amazing. The manager so gentle . Rooms superb. I had a swim up sea view room. Just stunning. Very clean . Good food . Great and different pools. More than 3 beach bars . All guys who serve are positive. I'm still here with my daughter and we have enjoyed all the parties. The entertainment is just woow. Definitely i will be back. Is the best resort in turkey who i have visited in all this year's. Bravo Lago hotel.
    First time in Turkey and in a all inclusive hotel. The food was great and delicious, the environment is beautiful. But there were a lot of cons next to the swimming pools it smelled like poop, the rooms were not very clean, and definitely did not look that they had went under construction recently. The worst part of this hotel was that my expensive golden chain got stolen and it wasn’t directly laying on the table or somewhere that the cleaning guy could see it was in my cosmetics bag under my makeup and other jewelry, which means they had to dig through my personal belongings and when the staff was notified they did not care and didn’t bother to call police or anything they just had me fill out paperwork and the thing was that I knew the time frame when we were leaving the room and after we came back to the room it was cleaned and that’s when I noticed that my chain was gone I tried to do everything I could to get my chain back but the staff did not care.

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