Tui Blue Barut Andiz ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Оферта № 11189

Цени от 186,00 лв.

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  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция
  • Tui Blue Barut Andiz, хотел в Сиде, почивка в Турция

Сиде All Inclusive Дати по избор

Стилът и уютът на този хотел представляват идеалното място за релаксация и изключително удоволствие за възрастни гости.

    • Информация и цени
    • Политика на резервиране
    • Мнения
    • Видео
    • Местоположение
    • Удобства
    TUI Blue Barut Andız - All Inclusive - Adults Only е елегантен хотел разположен в прекрасния курорт Сиде, Турция. Стилът и уютът на този хотел представляват идеалното място за релаксация и изключително удоволствие за възрастни гости. Хотелът предлага на своите гости изобилие от удобства, включително открит плувен басейн, безплатен частен паркинг, фитнес център и красива градина. Във вътрешността на хотела гостите могат да се насладят на изискан ресторант, привлекателна тераса, сауна и турска баня. За по-голямо удобство на гостите, хотелът осигурява услуги като рум-сървиз, денонощна рецепция и помещение за съхранение на багаж.Климатизираните стаи в хотела са обзаведени с внимание към всеки детайл и предлагат комфортно престойно пространство. Всяка стая разполага с бюро, електрическа кана, минибар, сейф и телевизор с плосък екран, а също така и със самостоятелна баня с душ. Гостите могат да се насладят на безплатен WiFi, а някои от стаите разполагат и с балкон, от където се открива чудесна гледка. Всяка стая в TUI Blue Barut Andız - All Inclusive - Adults Only е обзаведена с качествени спални комплекти и меки хавлии.Хотелът предлага разнообразни опции за закуска всеки ден, включително шведска маса, континентална или азиатска закуска, за да задоволи вкусовете на всички гости.Сред другите удобства, предлагани в този 4-звезден хотел, са съоръженията за тенис на маса и възможността за наем на автомобил, което позволява на посетителите да изследват прекрасните забележителности в околността. Зеленият каньон е на достъпно разстояние от 23 километра, а амфитеатърът Аспендос е на 32 километра. Летището в Анталия е на около 69 километра от TUI Blue Barut Andız - All Inclusive - Adults Only.

    *Възможно е да не виждате цялото съдържание на таблицата в зависимост от устройството, с което сте отворили сайта. Моля, скролнете вертикално (нагоре и надолу) и хоризонтално (наляво и надясно), за да разгледате всички периоди и съответните цени.

    ALL INCLUSIVE01.04.2024 27.04.202428.04.2024 20.05.202421.05.2024 09.06.202410.06.2024 10.07.202411.07.2024 22.09.202423.09.2024 17.10.202418.10.2024 30.11.2024
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM186206274311356274206
    DOUBLE ROOM371411547622711547411
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED501554739840959739554
    SINGLE ROOM371411547622711547411
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM241266355404461355266
    DOUBLE ROOM481532710808922710532
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED64971895810901245958718
    SINGLE ROOM481532710808922710532
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM259287382435497382287
    DOUBLE ROOM517573764869993764573
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED6987731032117313401032773
    SINGLE ROOM517573764869993764573
    P.P.P.D.IN DOUBLE ROOM259287382435497382287
    DOUBLE ROOM517573764869993764573
    DOUBLE+EXTRA BED6987731032117313401032773
    SINGLE ROOM517573764869993764573
    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    TUI BLUE Barut Andiz
    На база на 732 отзива
    Back for our second out of three visits this year. Never tire of our holidays here. Everything perfect as always. From management to housekeeping staff, they all wear a smile and are so pleased to see you. The rooms are spotless, the food exceptional in both the main and a la carte restaurants. Each visit there is something new on the menus to try. Ergin, the General Manager, is passionate about food and it shows.The staff all follow the lead given by Ergin and Savas, the Operations Manger and are so friendly, helpful and follow the hotel motto "we are family" The following go above and beyond:Mehmet Ali - Front Office ManagerHalit - Bar CaptainUfuk - Bar Manager (Have a wonderful wedding)Nuri - Restaurant CaptainHasan - Service ManagerSergen - Waiter.Ismail - Pool Bar (keep smiling, it lights up the sky)Ufuk/Yilmaz - Pool BarVeli - Executive ChefWe have made many good friends here over the years, both with staff and other guests of all nationalities. It is lovely to meet up once or twice a year and catch up.We will keep coming to the Andiz for as long as we can . Roll on October !
    I don’t do reviews…But… Like many, I do read them. When we came across this Tui Blue hotel, we saw the glowing 5-star reviews and thought..Mmmmm surely this can’t be?We have stayed in many Tui Blue hotels, we are yet to be disappointed. This however was our first visit to Barut Andiz, and I can assure you it won’t be our last. Literally from the second we entered the hotel lobby after a gruelling night/early morning flight, we were welcomed by an amazing receptionist who made us feel straight at home.Waking up to the wonderful pool view and a spotless outdoor area was just the BEST. ‘Every’ staff member from there on in couldn’t be more pleasant and helpful, the food and service were incredible. The hotel almost has a calming feel around it but also an energy that brings you to life and instantly recharges you.We took advantage of the Spa facilities and once again the service and professionalism were second to none. We very much recomend finding a treatment to suit your needs.It’s clear once you have been at the Barut Andiz that the hotel prides itself on a customer service level that is almost impossible to beat. The hotel manager Ergin is beyond inspiring in leading his team. This man doesn’t sit in an office and just pop up with the occasional smile. He is literally ‘everywhere’. He doesn’t just direct his staff and stand back and watch, he mucks in at every level. Clear to see every staff member is hand picked by this man and the respect he shows to them and the respect they have for him, is just incredible.I could name any staff on here, but I don’t feel that’s a fair process. Like everyone, we had our favourites and for many reasons. The fact is the team at this hotel are simply unbeatable in making you feel welcomed, relaxed, and serve up a 5-star experience that makes the perfect package.Myself and Angela genuinely cannot THANK YOU all enough. We truly feel like we’re a part of your growing family.First thing we did when we got back……….. BOOKED again for next year!!!!! Simply WOW!!!!!
    A very comfortable clean hotel good food great staff good value for money nothing is too much trouble . Gala night food was exceptionally creative. Sarah and Craig clearly very experienced in their job it makes a difference 🙄
    My wife and I have never experienced anything close to the service we got at this place! The hotel is not too big and you feel the staff is always there for you.Their service, from the first second you arrive, to the people by the pool/beach, restaurant staff and bar personnel is just in another league by themselves!The general manager also makes sure your stay is as you dreamed of. Both his and the staff’s happy faces put you in a good mood from the start of the day!Both the à la carte and the buffet were excellent, with a big variety of dishes! The atmosphere was also great in the dining area.It was great that the hotel had their own area at the beach, and the pool by the hotel was also really nice.Thank you for a great stay, we will be back! 🙂
    Better late than never! Thanks to all the team, especially to Ergin Sarp, for the great upgrade last August! Both Tui Blue and Hemera are great hotels with wonderful services and staff 🌼😉
    What a great hotel. The staff here cannot do enough for you. The food is amazing and the presentation is outstanding. The cleaners do a fantastic job and the bar staff are always cooking up great cocktails all throughout the day. The drinks are not the usual cheap runbish either. Gin is Gordon’s, the beer is the local Effes and vodka is Smirnoff which is rare.The other guests we spoke to were all returning guests which tells you something about the place and we have joined the club. We will be back next year and have already booked.Thanks to Egrin all the staff for providing us with such a lovely stay. We look forward to coming back soon.
    We are leaving this amazing hotel today after spending a wonderful 10 days here. The manager must b e very proud of all the staff . Each and everyone of them go above and beyond to make all guests very welcome. A special thanks to gorgeous George head barman for his amazing strawberry daiquiri cocktails !. We will be sorry to leave but will definitely be back soon . Lots of love to all at the Andiz. Best wishes Sue and Keith Jones xx
    Absolutely fantastic hotel. We can't fault a thing here.We spent 11 nights here from April 3rd.From arrival to departure everything was spot on. Great food and drinks,exceptional service from all of the staff and very clean.This was our first time at Barut Andiz but it will not be our last.We have been to other Tui Blue hotels on 3 occasions and this is our favourite by far.Award winning hotel and you can tell, until we meet again.
    We had an incredible experience at Barut Andiz Hotel Side! From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with such a warmth and hospitality. With our flights being very late the timing was not an issue for them and I am so glad we didn’t get a sandwich in our room on arrival (a usual practice within resort in these situations), but instead the hotel kept the restaurant opened just for us, well after 10 pm, serving 3 course meal! The General Manager, Ergin, went above and beyond to ensure our stay was perfect, personally checking in few times daily and ensuring everything was up to standard. Truly a visible leader and an amazing role model for his teams! The staff at Barut Andiz are truly exceptional too. Their genuine care and attention to detail made us feel like valued guests throughout our stay, a part of family almost (with clear boundaries in place of course) especially Mehmed and Mehmed junior from the Olive Restaurant as well as Kadir, Sergen, and many, many more of other amazing staff. Whether it was accommodating special requests (and we had quite a few!) or simply offering a friendly smile and checking in again and again to make sure we are happy, their dedication to customer service was evident in every interaction. It’s not often that most of the staff remembers and uses your first names without being over invasive- really impressive thing to see in an all-inclusive resort. Never mention personal hugs from everyone on our last night- such a real touch! Now, let's talk about the food! I wish my belly was as big as my eyes, there was so so much good choices, making it really difficult to choose from! As someone with background in hospitality and catering, high expectations when it comes to culinary experiences and service and dinning quite regularly in high class restaurants, we were blown away by the selection, diversity and quality of food at the main restaurant. The presentation was always impeccable, and the flavours were simply divine-a huge thank you to the head chef and operation manager for running such successful processes! Also, we must mention the entertainment! Turkish Night experience, Il Divo tribute, games, rock and roll night and even a violin playing at some point, etc. - amazing- once again of a great quality and class (not a touristy gimmick)! There was lots to do every day, various activities etc, but for us relaxing in a quiet and not overcrowded pool area was perfect. Guests of all ages, but classy and not loud drunks or screaming kids! As a male married couple, we were worried about local visiting Turkey in first, but not anymore after staying here. We can't wait to return to this wonderful hotel for another unforgettable stay!
    This is such an amazing small and friendly hotel. The staff are so nice and make every effort to ensure you have a fantastic time. The food at breakfast lunch and dinner is so varied and does not disappoint. The location is a 25 minute stroll into Old Town Side and 3 minutes to the beach. Plenty of sun beds by pool and beach with drinks served while relaxing. Highly recommended
    We've just spent 11 wonderful night's again at this outstanding hotel . All the staff from top to bottom are very helpful and friendly. The hotel is exceptional clean, excellent choice of food and drinks. The beach is wonderful with great attendant service who looks after the guests. The entertainment is good and various from day to day, i would highly recommend this hotel to everyone, a high percentage of people who experience this outstanding hotel always come back year after year, we will be coming back to this wonderful home from home. Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful staff again.
    Well!! What can I say, 5th time staying at this hotel, for my yearly holiday with my good friend Jenny, a lovely break leaving hubby to look after the dogs for 2 weeks, (hope they forgive me!!) Arrived 10th October 2023, felt like coming home, all staff so welcoming, we were even remembered by quite a few staff! Was so lovely 😍 Ergin such a welcoming manager, we still have another 11 days to go, but will be rebooking ASAP we get of the plane, thank all you wonderful staff at the the TUI BLUE Barut Andiz
    If you want to be treated like royalty this is the place to go. Truly, the staff are simply the best, they cannot do enough for you. That goes for ALL the staff top to bottom, including the TUI reps.We had an amazing time here, really didn't want to leave and we will be coming back soon. To everyone who works there can I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making our stay so special.
    Best all inclusive hotel, staff are extremely friendly and they work hard to make guests happy. Drinks are food are really good. Again the best thing is the staff. Will go again and again
    The staff MAKE this hotel!Me and girlfriend stayed here for 1 week in one of the swim-up rooms and what a fantastic hotel this really is. It’s unbelievably clean, modern and beautiful. What really sets this hotel apart is the staff here. They are incredible! Super friendly and so accommodating. Every day and night they went out of their way to please you and make sure you enjoyed every part your holiday.I’ve been around the world and stayed in a lot of great hotels but honestly the staff really do MAKE this hotel superb. Massive thanks to Savas (Operations Manager) and Ufuk (Bar Manager) they really are amazing people!!The food, the drinks, the areas around the hotel are all wonderful and I really cannot recommend this place enough!Thank you to everyone at this hotel for making our week feel brilliant! Wish you all the best 🙌🏼
    The best staff, service, food we’ve ever experienced on a Tui holiday. It’s the staff who make this hotel what it is. Everyone cares so so much. We really felt like we had such a personal service. Each day at breakfast, they knew I liked Oat milk and also a green smoothie, so without even having to ask, they brought them over to me every day. The rooms are lovely, and they are cleaned so well every day. The hotel is spotless - so so clean. The drinks, both alcohol and non-alcoholic were of great quality. On many occasions, a new drink is brought over to you before you would go to order another one. Shout outs to all of the staff but also Hassan and Emrah who we saw most days of our holiday, was great to meet everyone! Can’t recommend this hotel enough!

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    Цени от 186,00 лв.

    Купи и спечели с Relaxo

    Сиде All Inclusive Дати по избор

    Стилът и уютът на този хотел представляват идеалното място за релаксация и изключително удоволствие за възрастни гости.

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      Tui Blue Barut Andiz ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️