Titanic Mardan Palace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ – Нова година 2026 със собствен транспорт

Оферта № 11174-NewYear

Цени от 493,00 лв. 345,00 лв.

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  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция
  • Titanic Mardan Palace, хотел в Лара, почивка в Турция

Лара Palace All Inclusive От 28.12. до 09.01.

Хотелският комплекс Titanic Mardan Palace се отличава с един от най-големите открити басейни в Европа и разполага с цяла осмица а ла карт ресторанти.

* Обявената цена е за един човек за една нощувка на база All Inclusive в обявения период от 28.12.2025 до 09.01.2026;
* Офертата включва празнична Новогодишна Гала вечеря;
* Офертата е валидна при минимум 2 пълноплащащи;
* Офертата е валидна при минимален престой от 5 нощувки;
* При желание има възможност за удължаване на престоя извън посочения период;
* Офертата е със собствен транспорт;

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Очакваме Вашето запитване ⬇️⬇️⬇️

    • Информация и цени
    • Политика на резервиране
    • Мнения
    • Видео
    • Местоположение
    • Удобства

    Хотелският комплекс Titanic Mardan Palace се отличава с един от най-големите открити басейни в Европа и разполага с цяла осмица а ла карт ресторанти. Своите гости зарадва със заобикалящ плаж, където могат да се насладят на морски бриз и съблазнителни плажни атракции.

    Всяка стая в хотела предлага уют и елегантност, като разкрива чудесни гледки към вълшебната планина Тавър, Средиземно море или великолепния плувен басейн. Стайте са обзаведени с индивидуален климатик и осветление, управляемо от разстояние.

    Разнообразието от кулинарни изкушения е в основен фокус в отделните ресторанти, като във всяко едно от тях гостите могат да се потопят в различни кулинарни светове. Барът на покрива е мястото, където може да се насладите на изискана атмосфера и възхитителни гледки към хотелския комплекс и морето.

    В рафинирания СПА център на хотела гостите могат да се потопят в свят на релаксация и красота, съчетани със здравословен начин на живот. Там се предлагат разнообразни терапии, съвременен фитнес център и уютна зала за медитация с изглед към пленителния закрит басейн. Освен това, козметичният център предлага изключителни процедури за лице и тяло.

    Самият център на Анталия е на кратко разстояние от хотела - само на 15 километра, което пътуване с кола отнема около 20 минути. Изложбеният център EXPO 2016 Antalya е на 17 километра разстояние от Titanic Mardan Palace. 

    Политика на резервиране

    Офертата включва:
    - брой нощувки според предпочитанията на клиента в избраното помещение на съответната база на изхранване предлагана от хотела

    Офертата не включва:
    - Медицинска застраховка
    - Разходи от личен характер
    - Предлагани допълнителни екскурзии

    Условия по резервация:     
    - плащане на 30% от цялата сума до 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл;  
    - доплащане на остатъка от сумата до 20 дни преди датата на настаняване в резервацията, освен ако не е упоменат друг срок;
    - плащането се извършва в български левове онлайн с карта или по банков път на сметката на Туроператора.

    Политика за анулации и промени по резервация:
    В случай на отказ от резервация и прекратяване на Договора от страна на Потребителя, Туроператорът задържа следните неустойки:

    -  До 3 дни след потвърждение на резервацията по имейл – без такса.
    -  До 45 дни преди началната дата на резервацията – такса резервация в размер на 50 лв. на възрастен удържана от депозита, а остатъка от платения депозит се зарежда като бонус точки в Програмата за Лоялност Relaxo
    + за следващи пътувания.
    - От 44 до 21 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 30% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - От 20 до 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 50% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - По-малко от 14 дни преди началната дата на пътуването – 100% от общата стойност на резервацията.
    - За всяка една промяна по резервация (хотел, име на турист, дата, вид помещение) след потвърждението й, по вина на потребителя, се удържа такса в размер на 50 лв.
    - В случай че Потребителят не се яви в деня на направената резервация за своята почивка/екскурзия, не може да има претенции за връщане на цялата или част от заплатената сума.

    Titanic Mardan Palace
    На база на 7960 отзива
    I came to this hotel 3years ago I paid 6k for all inclusive for 2 adults and 3 children it was worth it at that time because the hotel was the best, but now they have nearly tripped the price because the staff don't care about anyone. When it comes to room cleaning they want to come in when they want and say don't understand English because who ever says that understands English. They do have a great variety of pools but it takes a while to get to the children's area pool and on the beach everyone is on a scam so avoid them please.
    My both daughter enjoys a good time at the club. If I come and pick them up too early, they asks me to wait until the club end. Very entertaining, welcoming environment where kids enjoy their time. The team are super friendly and supportive. I am very appreciated. I highly recommend them and they are so professional and firm.
    This is our second visit and it’s been as amazing as the first time. From the waiters on roller blades to the staff in the kids club, the cleaning team everyone is lovely. It’s clean and the food and drinks are fantastic. So much entertainment to suit every taste, from classical to djs outside at night. We love it here 🥰🥰
    We liked this hotel a lot .. the staff are exemplary exceptional hospitality that enhances. The luxurious experience.Guest relations frequently praise their attentiveness, professionalism and warmth with special commendations for team members like sabrina who go above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay .We are very pleased about everything
    We had an amazing stay .. the hotel it self I very beautiful and luxurious.The staff has been very friendly especially guest assistant Sabrina she was very helpful .The food was so delicious and variedThe room and the cleaning are immaculate.Highly recommended we will definitely be back
    Amazing Amazing Amazing!! Lost for words!The service was outstanding! They make you feel like royalty. Everyone was beyond friendly! Bartenders have a great outgoing personality! Food was delicious. So many choices! Definitely gained some weight. The drinks are super and top shelf alcohol! Shout out to Sabrina for helping me find the bag I lost. ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Can’t wait to visit this place again
    Great hotel with ultra all inclusive! Huge swimming pool and next to the sea. Special thanks to Tini Kids Club particularly to Diana in Art Studio for helping my daughter to develop her painting skills! Best experience overall, superb cocktails and evening shows. Ah yes, also room cleaning and very friendly staff made our holidays fabulous!
    This hotel is outstanding. It has not disappointed in any way. Staff provide an amazing service, and entertainment in the hotel is excellent. The rooms are also incredible. Hotel is slightly away from shops etc but only a short bus journey away. Would highly recommend.
    Such a beautiful hotel. It’s definitely a 5* and worth every spend. The staff go over and beyond for any request. Super attentive. The pool is fantastic. Always sun loungers available. The pool bar staff come around on roller skates taking orders so you never have to leave your chair. Everything is soooo clean. Excellent menu every night so we never got bored because of the variety available . What a great experience and I will definitely return again with my family.
    Our stay at the titanic was amazing we are here few days only and we are really impressed. Sabrina was super friendly and assisted us and another all our questions. We are already planning to Come back with our family soon. The food and everything was amazing. ❤️
    This hotel is absolutely phenomenal. It is beyond beautiful with lots of gold, artwork and marble. Everything is so luxurious. The cocktails are top notch, the service is impeccable. The private assistance was so helpful and useful to have, they helped uz with every little question. The food is amazing, so tasty and it changes.on daily basis in the main restaurant. The snack bars have great options and provide variety. There was always sunbeds and the pool available, lots of towels for sunbeds. The spa was such a luxurious touch with lovely pools, relax rooms and saunas. I could go on and on but this is the best hotel I have ever been to. Evening entertainments are absolutely wonderful. The only downside is the nightclub as the music is unbeatable at times as it's very heavy house and dance music with no known songs which meant people went home early and you couldn't really dance to it.
    This resort is amazing. Firstly our room was excelllent. Staff was very helpful and friendly, can’t fault any of them. The food was amazing. Lots of activities during the day to keep you busy. Breath taking views. The spa was amazing as well. Will 100% be coming back here.
    We had an absolutely wonderful time at the hotel! The staff provided excellent service, and the views were simply incredible. The rooms were top notch. There was a sense of luxury and comfort.Special thanks to Faryar for the exceptional service that ensured our stay was enjoyable. The food and drinks selection was vast and tasted amazing! Special thanks to the Chef Nandan who made delicious food.
    Excellent hotel. Perfect for families as all under one 'roof' no need to leave the resort! Food and drinks are great, and excellent kids services, live music and great entertainment in general. Also 24 hour restaurant!
    Lovely room location. Sabrina took us to our room 5028 on the fifth floor. Felt looked after. Room overlooks the pool with the sun in the evening. Would definetly recommend.Location of hotel not too good as far from the shops. However plenty to keep occupied with good entertainment.Service good esp in the lobby and pool side.
    Absolutely amazing stay, the hospitality, the hotel the staff and the atmosphere was will worth it. Great little getaway inclusive and I’ll definitely do it again at the same hotel. Very kids friendly and would highly recommend for families with young children.
    We came from the Netherlands. They praised the hotel very much, and they were right to praise it so much. We loved their food. The architecture of the hotel is also very beautiful. The children were very happy. We thank Esra and Dilek from animation for her interest. All employees are knowledgeable and polite. Thank you very much for everything, we hope to see you again.
    I recommend you to stay in pool rooms. We fainted. Guest services are always at the end of the phone to assist with any issue. Almost all the employees are friendly. Esra in the animation took care of us personally throughout our holiday. We were very happy with their interest and help. Thanks everyone.
    The hotel is very luxurious and comfortable. The staff is very polite. So are the Kids Club staff. Animator Esra is a very caring and caring person, she took great care of our son. Even we had fun thanks to him. It was a nice holiday for us. We recommend
    the aquamarine restaurant is very nice. if you use the sauce from the shrimp, add a wedge of lemon and ask for spicy oil the salmon you order will be unbelievable. flaky, tasty and spicy... it is simply the best. that is my favorite dish and I will return just for that. wow it was good
    Had a great time here with my family (kids aged 5 & 8). The kids club is especially good with lots of things to keep them entertained throughout the trip. The hotel staff were all very polite and could not do enough for us. The hotel itself was very beautiful and clean.
    Outstanding hotel, probably the best all round hotel we’ve stayed in. I’d give it a 4.9/5.Went as a family of 4. Our 3 year old loved it, water park, great food, activities, bowling alley, arcade, soft play, park etc etc of course he did.Pretty stunning internals throughout and amazing beach and pool spaces.
    We are currently staying at the hotel.The hotel is huge with the biggest longest pool we have ever seen.The outside of the hotel is beautiful, spotlessly clean and the hotel staff are a credit to this hotel. They work very hard and there are plenty of staff around.The inside of the hotel is what I can only say as being Regal, how I would imagine Buckingham Palace to look like inside.It's very niche in style, I do prefer modern style if I'm being honest but it is still very beautiful with so much detail.Food - I have been to smaller hotels that offer a wider variety of food, but the good that they have is good quality.You get one free A La Carte per week and pay for any additional ones.Plenty of dun beds so you don't see people getting up early and leaving towels out.They will remove towels if the beds are left unattended for a long time.We've had a special Anniversary during our stay and they made our day very special leaving gifts in our room which was a lovely touch.They have Cabanas around the pool and beach, they start at €130 per day.Help yourself to beach towels daily. No towel card at this hotel.The hotel is around 15 years old, the way it's decorated inside you would think it was older.Overall I give a 5 star rating. Excellent hotel and we are really enjoying our stay.
    Very large and Grand Hotel, spotlessVery large swimming pool one of the biggest in Europe, food selection wide range. Staff 100%. More grand than modern.Bus ride into local town, make sure you bring your debit card as no cash accept on local bus, get a Chase account card.
    This resort is PALATIAL. Amazing interior/decor/rooms, amazing food, amazing facilities, amazing pool, spa, beach. Service was mostly really good but a bit hit and miss in the main lobby area (takes a while to get seen too/get drinks etc) but all in all a positive experience.
    Mehmet took very good care of us during the activities.Lovely food & service from everybody & I would definitely recommend booking the cabanas.Top tier drink selection with top shelf labels on offer, and the a la carte restaurants are worth a visit.
    Everything is top quality! Amazing hotel and staff are so friendly, mehmet and other members ran competitions that were on everyday which was great fun.Always stuff to do everyday including shows, DJs, darts and other sports! The best 5 star hotel I’ve been to. Drinks are real brands and food is delicious. Will definitely be coming again 🙂
    The day When we check our 1st Impression was not so great but the The Manager IKBEL did such a great job she made sure that our stay in Hotel will be memorable so I must say extra ordinary Customer Service. Also the hotel staff is very polite & helpful not like our previous stay in other Antalya Hotels. Worth The Travel from Amsterdam & every penny we spent
    Everything about this hotel was perfect. The hosts that organised different wonderful things for us were Ms Mahshid and Faryar, who were so attentive to what we needed. For example, they put together various surprises for my Mother-in-law for her birthday including musicians, beautiful flowers, cakes and balloons and more; creating an exciting surprise. I would recommend this hotel 100% because not only is it a stunning environment, but the hospitality is 10/10. We were really looked after.
    We are coming to the end of a lovely week here. This is our 5th visit to Turkey and this resort did not disappoint.The facilities have been, not just fantastic, but extensive. There is a club, cinema, arcade, multiple bars and eateries, kids club, kids splash and slide pool, desserts bar, a la cqrte restaurants and so much more... to the point where there is no need to leave the resort. We've had an epic week.The rooms are lovely. We stayed on the main ottoman themed side. There is a european theme to the right and an anatolian theme to the left.Food is fresh and great quality. Lots of variety and various outlets over the whole resort so you can never be bored. The main buffet restaurant had ample choice.The only suggestion I would have is to make sure there are allergen labels displayed on all the areas of the food buffets and menus.We made good use of the sandy beach. (Watch out for dead jellyfish!) We also used the poolside cabanas which are additonally charged.Most of the staff are kind and caring. We felt quite looked after...and would like to mention Thanks to...Leyla - Guest Relations Manager for looking after us during our stay,Bilal on the rollerskates- for our pool side drinks and making sure we stayed hydrated,Kadri, Fesih and Mehmet - for looking after us at the restaurant for breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks in the lobby,Taner, Elena and Jennifer - at the spa for relaxing treatments,And the staff looking after us at Cabana Number 10.Im sure I've missed a few names but most of the staff we met were fantastic.I would definitely consider returning.
    We have been here for 10 days, and from the moment we arrived it’s been perfect! All staff very welcoming, and extremely helpful. Our room was cleaned everyday, cleaner was very respectful of our belongings, clean towels and bedding everyday. Mini bar was restocked daily with coke, Diet Coke, Fanta orange, sprite, peach iced tea, lemon iced tea and bottled water, snacks.Food: at the buffet there was plenty too choose from for me and my partner, everyday was different curry’s, soups, pastas, meats, vegetables. All cooked and seasoned.However for my picky eater 4 year old son only chicken nuggets, chips, and fish but that didn’t seem too bother him too much.The bistro food is cooked amazingly, and even when there was no chicken nuggets at the Buffett they cooked some for my child,.Italian restaurant starters main and desert perfect!!Plenty of things to do, from the children’s water park/bigger water park, kids club, arcade, bowling, pool tables, football goals, beach volleyball, badminton etc.I had a Turkish bath, deep tissue and hot stone massage at the spa and it was unreal! Highly recommend.There is also a heated indoor and outdoor pool, indoor pool also have little seating areas with in the pool when you push a button it turns into a jacuzzi which was amazing after the spa massage.We have loved every minute of this holiday and will be recommending Titanic Marian Palace to everyone, and will definitely be returning!And a special thank you to Sabrina (Mouna) at the guest assistance, any questions we had she always answered always had a smile on her face, also for helping my partner plan his proposal.
    Everything from start to finish was absolutely mind blowing! The staff were all so friendly and attentive especially Sabrina in the lobby and Dogan in the beach bar!Food was fantastic with plenty of choice for everyone. Rooms, facilities and the resort grounds, including the pools, were impeccably maintained, spacious and very impressive. Will 100% look to be coming back to Titanic Marian Palace again as soon as possible!
    Everything was great in this hotel we went to as a family. The children's playground is very equipped. The staff is very attentive. Everywhere is clean. We handed our daughter over to the Kids Club staff with peace of mind and had the opportunity to spend pleasant time alone with my wife. Our daughter Esra loved her sister so much that she didn't even notice our absence. The food and service were amazing. We are thinking of coming again when the weather gets a little warmer. We thank you for everything.
    Gim and Ahmet at reception have made our holiday so special thanks guys. Superman and Crazy at restaurant/beach bar keep smiling, you two are great ! All staff and hotel itself are outstanding no stress and will bend over backwards to help. 5* service.
    Hotel is huge, and our stay in general was quite pleasant. The facilities such as the jazz lounge, games room n beach seating area are lovely. The premium family room is dated (and none of them are sea facing). Food is good in general (seafood restaurant only has fish on the menu which was disappointing). Beach n docks were non existent during our visit due to repairs but the beach is small and unimpressive. Indoor/outdoor spa pools were heated.They charge per hour for late checkoutWe visited towards the end of March/early April24
    Had a great experience stay at the Titanic Mardan Palace the staff were phenomenal went over and beyond. The food was really great we were here for a week all inclusive and drinks were great. Wide selection of cocktails shots you name it whatever you want the staff can make. Staff very helpful recommend to anyone looking for a luxurious stay in Turkey in Lara beach.
    Grand hotel with unlimited good quality food and beverages (open bar too). Friendly and cooperative staff that can help you with your requests. They’ve got the biggest swimming pool you’ll see and plenty of amenities and daily activities. Overall great stay and highly recommend for anyone looking to have a good time - family friendly and good for all ages.
    hotel was very good. Mini club was amazing .and thank you Esra. Everything was great. We had a great time in this hotel. 7/24 restaurant was great. Hotel is very beautiful , specialy interior design was perfect. Thanks for everything.
    The rooms are really nice. The staff is really nice and really helpful. Most of them know a little bit of English. They have a good selection of cocktails. The indoor pool and outdoor heated pool are nice in march time we had the whole place to ourselves there was maybe one couple there but the water slides and the restraunts by the beach were closed
    As soon as i walked in the hotel i was flabbergasted. The inside is so grand and fancy this is the perfect star hotel. All the staff are really helpful and kind and there us 5 star service. The food here is amazing and all inclusive. There’s so many different dessert options and they all taste delicious. Beautiful hotel.
    We enjoyed our stay in titanic Mardan hotel. The whole atmosphere was mazing, lovely locations and extremely polite and helpful staff. Food was nice. We will come back again. Mahsit greeted us on arrival and has been a wonderful host.
    We came to your hotel last year, this year with other members of our family, in four rooms. We enjoyed every process from the beginning to the end. Every personnel working in every department was complete and flawless. As we continue our holiday, we have already made our reservation for February. I hope we get the chance to see these beautiful people again.
    Rooms are excellent and food is outstanding., service is great . If there is any problems the guest assistant team are quick to deal with any issue . The staff are very friendly and very good at their job special mention to miss Sabrina she was very helpful .We recommend this place especially to families
    Massive property built and maintained like a palace. If you like a palace type hotel this is good.All the good bitsClean and maintainedLinens are all good.Daily room cleaning full marks.Re-stocking of mini bar OK.Shower OK.Bad bits.Food spread is a bit boring they are not understanding the fact that they are attracting customers worldwide so I suggest having to cover that. But it's an Ok.Some staff are very good but some don't know how to smile that needs attention. Just smiling is no harm. Better for their health.Rooms at night can get very hot apparently they have one air circulation system for the whole hotel and it can only keep warm means very warm this was in December 2023. But a 5 star hotel must have air conditioning and so not good. Very bad.Otherwise all good.
    Very pleasant experience in this hotel. The hotel is huge and lobby areas are very luxurious. The food quality was very good and always a have great selection for both lunch and dinners.Since we visited in December we didn't get to use the outside pool areas so we will be back in the summer!

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